Saturday, April 11, 2020

Imaginary Fortress

There are some human beings who have built around themselves a "wall" so high and so thick that it is actually impossible for them to see anything that is outside, anything that is not a construction (= a belief) of their own mind. Therefore it's easy neither to deal with them nor break down such 'wall' because they refuse to acknowledge any unpleasant situation they are compelled to face. They prefer to not 'see' and go on living as if everything were fine -  while it is not. On the other hand, those they interact with may keep on trying to break the 'wall'  and make them face reality. No way! It's not possible to make someone hear if they pretend to be deaf, as you cannot compel an imaginary 'blind' to see. The metaphorical wall such people have built is their fortress. They believe they need it in self-defense against a fictitious enemy. How sad!

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