Sunday, March 18, 2018

Does Life Have a Meaning?

During a lesson, I asked my students, "Do you have any questions?" and one (a witty elderly gentleman) promptly answered, "Yes, I have a question: what is the meaning of life?" We all laughed because it was clearly intended as a joke but the "question" actually wasn't. What do "you" think the meaning of life is? Probably every human being will give a different answer, or none at all. Some might say that the meaning of life is to learn, others might say it is to evolve or to love, or...they simply don't care. They say, "We are here, we are alive, we carry on as well as possible. Why ask questions?". They may be right. Who knows? Wondering about existential topics can be either an excellent intellectual/spiritual activity or a mind-blowing, possibly a depressing one, due to the utter lack of definite answers.

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