Friday, March 16, 2018


Sometimes you feel the need to ask questions, you want to know why things happen, your mind spins in a whirl of thoughts, doubts and hopes. Then it quiets down, it wants to rest and relax. No more nagging thoughts, no more need to ask, to find out, to "know". Life happens and you feel that accepting it the way it is, is the only way to live it. Not a bad decision, as long as it lasts. Then your mind wakes up and starts wondering and wandering once again. It's a sort of merry-go-round that moves - first slowly, then faster and faster. After a while it halts briefly, just to take a short break, and then it resumes its unstoppable spinning. All this, over and over, throughout your whole life. Or... maybe not. Maybe your mind prefers to slumber, to live in a quiet sort of fatalism. It is your decision, your choice, just as everything else.

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