Saturday, January 6, 2018

To Bend Or Not To Bend

The smart branch bends when the wind blows. The rubber band stretches when you pull it. Why can't you be as flexible as they are? Simply because flexibility is their nature while you have been 'encased' in a sort of armor by all the conditionings, teachings, suggestions, orders, rules that you have received since birth. You haven't learned how to be totally resilient. You are not always ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances. You believe that  you are, and you may be right, but only to a certain extent. It is possible that you cannot 'bend' or 'stretch' to the maximum of your ability, like the branch and the rubber band. You are used to finding excuses and justifications for your psychological and spiritual 'stiffness'. Nevertheless, as you probably like to exercise your body to make it able to attain different postures, you might find it worth it to also try to re-program your mind a little in order to be more accepting of situations that simply "are".

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