Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Logic vs. Chance

Some people may be still looking for the proof of the existence a plane beyond the earthly one. Musing about the many "proofs" that have been either stated as a fact, simply proposed, or cloaked in veiled doubt, a thought has come to my mind. Probably all (or almost all) agree on the fact - scientifically proven, I believe - that the Universe is based on numbers. It has therefore been defined as a mathematical Universe. Without going into details about complicated formulas, equations and theorems, a simple truth can be evicted from all this, though. If mathematics  is based on logic (it is, isn't it?), any reasoning mind must accept the fact that the Universe (i.e. everything) is based on some kind of logic. So, what sense would all our experiences "logically" have if Life would just finish... abruptly, without reaching a goal, actually lacking a final purpose, without showing the universal meaning of our existence? Is it all a joke? Are all troubles, differences, sufferings, struggling, as well as love, compassion, relationships have been in vain?  Limited to these few years we are granted? Forgotten? Short of a deeper significance? Gone without a trace? Some say that it all  exists by "chance". A rather "illogical" explanation, isn't it?

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