Saturday, February 15, 2014

She Needs 4 Cellphones

Our young people's obsession with technology never stops amazing me. I was recently conversing with young adults who admitted spending a significant part of the night on various social networks. They don't sleep enough, the next day they are tired and possibly late for work or school, yet they just can't help it. If they aren't in constant contact with "everybody", they feel cut out, they believe they are missing out on what is going on around them. One even said she owns 4 (four!) different smartphones (all basically the same) because, according to her words, she uses each device to contact a different group of people. Is this a form of insanity or what? Or am I the one who is old-fashioned and doesn't understand "the needs" of the younger generation?
I am appalled by how some (actually, many) individuals - who supposedly are reasoning beings - can allow themselves to get caught up in such a snare to the point of losing every sense of proportions. If the world keeps moving in this direction, may God help us!

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