Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Only Results Count

Every now and then people like talking about religion in a sort of critical way. "My religion is right." "Your religion is wrong." "My religion is better than yours." "My religion is the only religion." These are  all personal, thoroughly acceptable opinions, as everybody is entitled to their own. In principle, the idea of religion is positive and that is why it has survived since it was born with the human race. Good or bad? Considering that the main religious principles are all good, the only thing we can talk about is the effects that such principles cause in their followers. How do they behave in consequence of such beliefs? How do they apply them in their lives? Do these principles make them better human beings? Or don't some individuals stop at the external rituals and do not care to actually understand their deeper meaning? If everyone applied the good that their religion preaches, wouldn't this be a much better world?

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