Saturday, September 25, 2021

Best Friends

Have you ever wondered about how really close you are to others in general, or to one person in particular? It may not be an idle question. You have acquaintances and friends, maybe even a best friend. Acquaintances are people you meet from time to time and just talk with. It is a relationship with nothing as personal or intimate as it is with your friends, with whom you have real 'sharing'. If you are lucky enough to have a best friend, you are close to someone you can tell your deepest thoughts and secrets to. This sounds beautiful and comforting. it entirely true? Are you really able to communicate the true essence of your "self" to another human being? When you confide your problems, doubts, joys, successes, failures, disappointments to someone else, do you have the certitude that such person fully understands? Or are there some inner feelings, some motions of your soul that it's impossible to communicate? That, in the end, you are unable to establish a real connection, so you are basically "alone"?

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