Thursday, December 30, 2021


A cute, widely-known picture shows a kitten who looks at himself in the mirror and sees a lion. A perfect example of a person with self-confidence. The flip side of the coin could be a lion who looks at himself in the mirror and sees a kitten. Here is the perfect example of a person with no self-confidence whatsoever. Are these similitudes too extreme? Certainly. A person-kitten may see themselves as  a larger size cat, and a person-lion may perceive themselves as a smaller lion, but the fact is that they both see something different from what actually "is" in the mirror. Their perception makes them interpret only partially the essence of their true nature. To increase self- confidence and self-esteem it's enough to become more aware of one's own innate abilities and learn to appreciate and value who one really is. It can be done! 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Three Worlds

Picture two different worlds: one is 'full', the other is 'empty'. The first world is full of people, things, thoughts, ideas, stories, words. The second world isn't. If you live in world number 1, everything  is there, available, at your disposal. So there is no need for you to think, to learn, to create, to transform. Now picture yourself living in world number 2, where there is absolutely no-thing. You are by yourself, free to reflect, to use your skills and do things your way. You start using your imagination, create new stories. Original ideas flow into your mind, you become once again curious, willing to explore various possibilities, find brand-new solutions, but there is no-one to share them with. Which world would you choose? Probably neither. And you would be right. Extremes are always dangerous. Wouldn't a world number 3 be more desirable - where learning and inter-communication are possible, but also stimuli to think, to be 'original', are still thriving?  Mankind has the capability to create such a world, and many may believe it has. Has it really?

Friday, December 24, 2021

Express It!

When you don't have something that you really want and you finally get it, you usually feel grateful for having had your ardent desire fulfilled. But...for how long do you feel grateful? Till your next wish is granted? What about the numberless gifts you receive every day, every instant, such as breath, sunlight, water, family, friends ...i.e."life"? The fact is that most of the indispensable things human beings receive are overlooked, even ignored. They are taken for granted because they are always there, at one's disposal, and nobody feels 'lacking'. Only when this 'lack' becomes evident, and you start suffering because of it, do you realize how important-actually vital-it is. Gratitude is a word whose importance will never be stressed enough. Let us all keep it always alive in our awareness, and let us share it with others. There is probably nothing more meaningful! 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wonder Is Gone!

One aspect of taking everything for granted can be seen in the almost complete disappearance of wonder. Nothing surprises people anymore. Everything is there, all the time, for everybody to experience in many different ways. Things happen and are shared at 'high velocity'. Therefore, it seems that there is nothing else to 'witness' directly. Technology puts you in continuous, instantaneous contact with people, places, happenings, beautiful sights, so it is possible that there is nothing more for you to look forward to. Any specific thing you want to see, hear, know is always there at the click of a button. Such availability is certainly useful, because it helps you to become better acquainted with the world and increase your knowledge in a faster and easier way. Nevertheless, the consequent loss of wonder is sad!

Monday, December 20, 2021

Sloth or Busy Bee?

For many human beings it's much easier to believe what they hear others say, or to accept what others tell them to be the truth. Belief is a very interesting characteristic of our species. Other living creatures only 'know' what they perceive with their senses. They are not bothered about what they don't 'feel', so they instinctively deal with any happening without complications or worries. For people the situation is different because they need a reason to accept as true something that is not self-evident. Therefore they have two possible ways: either use their own minds, or follow someone else's. Which one is easier? Clearly the second option is more enticing, because it does not require any effort on their part. (You affirm that this is the truth? Thanks, I happily buy it!) The first option, on the other hand, compels you to ponder, weigh up, reflect, compare...In one word, you have to put on your thinking cap and work it out for yourself. It's team sloths vs team busy bees!

Saturday, December 18, 2021


If someone asks you, Who are you?, you might feel like answering, I am "I", because this is who "you" are. But this answer would not satisfy your interlocutor, who wants specific details. So you may say, I am X.Y., but that would be just your name. So you may say, "I am a government employee-or a farmer", but that would just be your occupation. You may also answer, I am an American, or an Italian-but that would be your nationality. None of these definitions say anything about "who" you actually are. They are the wrapping, not the substance. Is there a precise way to answer that question? Not really. Besides, no-one would in fact want to know the actual 'components' of your inner self. The visible outside world of images is not too interested in the invisible inner world of intrinsic nature. Appearance seems to be more attractive than substance.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Voice of a Tree

Remember the puzzling question, 'Does a tree falling in a forest make a sound if there is no-one to hear it?'. Although science would say 'yes' because vibrations in the air are produced, yet you feel that this answer is not satisfactory. If a person, standing alone in a room, speaks aloud, their voice would be perceived by no-one (except themselves). Picture now yourself speaking to an interlocutor who is totally distracted and doesn't pay attention to what you are saying. Is your voice heard? Not really. It can't be heard until the person you are talking to actually listens. Such a situation is highly revealing, and two may be its causes. One: your interlocutor is absorbed in watching what is happening all around. Two: they are so absorbed in themselves, or in what they are planning to say next, that they can't pay attention to what "you" are saying. A quite common occurrence. Annoying? Possibly. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Is There A Reason?

Sometimes things happen in a totally unexpected way, and you can't understand why. Most human beings like to plan, they are proud of being well organized, they believe they have taken all the precautions to avoid problems or accidents. Yet... Is there a hidden wisdom, something to be learned from tragic occurrences taking place? It's very hard to even try to find an answer to such question. Some may believe that there is a reason for anything that manifests in this world, it's just human beings who can't understand it. Others have a different opinion: they see reality as something that just unfolds randomly, with no deeper reason or meaning. Two opposite points of view, both worth pondering upon. If the former is right, reality is worthwhile experiencing. If the latter is right....  

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Are You 'Useful'?

"Am I a useful human being?", some may ask. The obvious answer is, "Yes, of course." Everybody is useful, in one way or another. In whatever profession you are in, you carry out your duty as well as you can. Whatever your family and social position, you perform your role in the best possible way. Therefore, you "are" useful. What about your usefulness on a larger scale? You may wonder. What meaningful contribution are you giving the whole world? Individuals who do exceptional things-inventors, artists, scientists, humanitarians etc.- come to your mind. "What about me?", you then ask, and feel that your contribution to the world's welfare is not so great, after all. Well, think again! Every contribution has its weight, its importance. In a large puzzle, if even the smallest piece is missing, the picture is not complete. Everybody has their own personal mission, no matter the 'size'. I have mine, you have yours!

Friday, December 10, 2021

'Manipulation' Is The Word!

One of the words that define today's world is "manipulation". The verb 'manipulate' means to control or influence in a clever, yet unscrupulous way. You can easily see this everywhere. Think of when you greatly appreciated a movie, a really great work, and then you read the devastatingly negative comments by "critics"; or when you were disappointed by a production, totally lacking any artistic value, hailed as a masterpiece. "They" are trying to convince you of what is them! Manipulators are on the media and in your life. Any time someone tries to convince you that their "product" is better than any other, they attempt to influence you - always to their benefit. When a friend exalts a philosophical, political, or religious conviction, it can be just a matter of sharing. But when they do that in order to get a personal advantage (typically financial gain, or control)... beware! You are being manipulated!

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Dangerous Messages

The "uplifting" message given to girls by a famous fashion brand and its famous testimonial, in a perfume commercial, is: It's good to be bad. And it's not the only one with similar content. How can anybody be shocked by some behaviors of young people, when they are continuously presented with slogans like this (often even worse)? You know that no society is perfect, that dreadful things happen at the hand of both the younger and the older generations. It is a sad reality of this human life. But shouldn't we at least try to encourage our children to aspire to a healthy, principled life? Messages like the above, along with violent games and brutal stories are available everywhere. Not only; they are practically imposed upon everybody's attention (especially teenagers') by the many ways the media use to reach (and lure) huge audiences. The title of the old movie "It's A Mad, Mad...World" could be changed today into "It's A Sad, Sad...World".

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Lost Chance

Picture this scenario: you never watched a certain TV program although you knew it was broadcast regularly. One day you decide to watch it, but you discover that it's not available anymore. You think, "What a coincidence, the moment I want to see it, it's gone." Then, another thought materializes in your mind, "Is there a lesson for me to learn?" Yes, there is. Whenever you postpone doing something, you must be aware of possibly losing your chance. Whenever you say, "I'll do it tomorrow, next week, another day...", you can't be sure that you will actually be able to do it. If it's something as trivial as watching a program on TV, no big deal. When the matter is much more serious, it "is" a big deal. Worth reflecting upon, isn't it?

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Paper Cuts

German-Swiss author Herman Hesse, in one of his novels presents two ideas worth reflecting upon. The first says that a person cannot really understand an occurrence if they have not experienced it themselves. You might have felt this when you shared something very personal and, although your interlocutor showed empathy, yet you felt that they "hadn't really got it". The fact that no-one can totally "get it" is only natural, because they are not you (as you-for that matter-are not them!). The second idea is that sometimes you have an experience whose actual meaning you, yourself, don't understand right away. At first, in fact, you think that what happened was something totally negligible. Only later do you 'get it'. It's something similar to a paper cut: you don't immediately feel pain or see blood. But, after a little while, you feel the former and see the latter. Again, it's a human thing. So? Well, it may just be interesting to give it a thought. It may help you to better understand yourself.  

Thursday, December 2, 2021

It's Over!

Someone said to someone else: "Forget where you've been. Think of where you are now." Forget where you have been: isn't this what many people don't do, when they keep delving in the past, on the 'good old days'? Those 'good old days' have gone forever, so you will never experience them again. Besides, is it true that those days were really that good, compared to the kind of days you are experiencing right now? A common tendency is to make comparisons, and surround memories with a halo of semi-perfection, while choosing to view the present in a less than flattering way. If you, too, have the inclination towards this kind of attitude, you'd better realize that such perception is not correct. Every moment is exactly the way it needs to be. And every moment is "now".   

Monday, November 29, 2021

Soaked Sponge

Have you 'absorbed' the experiences you have had in your life? If the word absorb means to take in, you can also interpreter it as to make it part of you. Therefore, absorbing your past experiences means to realize that what you are now is formed by all you have experienced in the past. Every single action, thought, word has contributed to form the individual that you are now. Try to recall something that happened long ago, remember what you said or did, and how the 'others' reacted. Now bring back to memory the way you felt afterwards. Did other similar situations occurred with the same outcome? Several times? If your answer is yes, you can infer that there was a repeating pattern. Was the outcome positive or negative?Assess the impact of such experiences on yourself: if you understood their meaning, you learned your lesson. This knowledge has become part of you. Just as the absorbed water becomes one with the sponge.   


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Easy Made Complicated

Chinese philosopher Confucius said (about 1500 years ago), ""Life is really simple but we insist in making it complicated." Sometimes you see a pebble as a boulder. The problem is certainly there, but you make it bigger than it is. It's all a matter of points of view. The same could be said for modern technology. New discoveries have made many aspects of your life much easier but, at the same time, they have also made things more complicated. A highly computerized device is not as easy to use as turning the button "on" to have it work, then turning it "off" to make it stop. In the former case, you must be computer savvy, in the latter, you just need to know how to read 'on/off'. As everything in this world, it's always the perspective you look at the situation from (and the kind of person you are!). 

Thursday, November 25, 2021


If you lead your life without paying attention to what is going on around you, to how you behave, to people's reactions towards you, you live in a state of inactive consciousness: you need Awareness, in order to be a 'complete' human being. If you lead your life resisting everything you don't welcome and everybody you don't like, you live in a state of permanent disappointment. You need Acceptance, in order to be at peace with what "is". If you lead a life in a state of never-ending longing for what (or whom) you don't have, you lead a life in a state of dissatisfaction. You need Gratitude, in order to appreciate what (or whom) you already have. Three common words that could operate an astounding change (for the better) in anybody's daily existence. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

An Intriguing Statement

Someone said that what we don't know is better than what we know. Do you think it's wrong, or do you accept the possibility that it may be right? Of course, there is no correct answer. It is just a mental challenge that may be worth accepting because it could help you to know yourself more. If you believe the above statement to be wrong, it means that you are sure that all you "know" is absolute truth, that you have no doubts about it, that you have nothing more to learn. Therefore you must be completely satisfied with your knowledge about life, death, spiritual beliefs, society, standard of behavior, ethics and so on. What you firmly believe is certainly good for you - "now". But you may also accept the possibility that any of your beliefs could be incomplete and there is much more to explore, to discover. As the horizon is never a fixed point but is simply a virtual boundary that keeps expanding while you proceed forward, so is mental exploration for your mind: a limitless field of realization.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

A Worthy Wondering

 "Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?" It's the title of a widely known painting by French artist Paul Gauguin. It's famous, it's beautiful, it's symbolic. If you reflect on the first question, "Where do we come from?" you may feel like wondering. Yes, when, where and what was our "origin"? Many might find this question useless. Why do you need to know what happened in a past that has no bearing on your present life? It sounds logical. But, is it really? If this were true, you could just go on living day by day without ever trying to understand the reason and the meaning of what happens to you, in your life. You can certainly do that, and be okay, but...wouldn't it be a bit reductive to limit yourself to only look at what is around you, without wanting to know what is "beyond"? A healthy curiosity is what has encouraged human beings to move forward, to progress, to be "more". Wouldn't it be interesting to also know when and where and how it all started?

Friday, November 19, 2021

Feather in the Wind

When things go well, you feel good. When you believe you are in control, you feel powerful. When people are nice, you like them. But when things stop going well, when you realize that  you are not in control, when people are not so nice, then you skies become dark, your mood sours, you don't feel good any more. Instead of seeing yourself as a rock steadily set on the ground, you rather feel like a feather, at the mercy of the wind, upon which you have no influence whatsoever. Your willpower, that you consider so strong, cannot affect the direction of certain events; they keep going where they are bound to go, in spite of your attempt to deviate them. Don't be discouraged, though. It's just temporary. Soon the wind will subside, your feathery image alights on the ground, and once again you feel as steady as a rock.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Your GPS

The importance of being in the 'now' will never be stressed enough. Actually, if you think about it, you realize that it's the only really important concept to be always kept in mind. Why? Simple. When you go for a walk, you pay attention to where you put your feet, one after the other (at least, you should). You don't look back to check the distance you have already covered. When you go on a trip, you check the map to know where you are in every moment. If (as probably it is the case) you are using a GPS, you pay attention to the instructions given, in order to be always sure that you are going in the right direction. In conclusion, it is more advisable to pay attention to where you are right now, to what you are doing and saying this very moment, and the next, and the next... Thus will you be sure to reach the destination of your trip, or create a better life if you are day by day. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Building Your Life

Back then, you had it all figured out, or so you thought. You knew exactly what you wanted. Your future house, job, family, social circle were going to be exactly this way or that. You were the architect who was going to build the perfect environment for yourself. Later, some of your dreams came true, others didn't, others did not turn out exactly as you had planned. Now your life, as a whole, is okay, but you are also aware that, in general, you are living in a way that only slightly resembles the image you had in your mind. What happened? Real life happened. In order to create something according to your precise specifications, you need to have all the 'ingredients' exactly the way they should be. But unforeseen circumstances materialize, unexpected events take place. Many factors play a role in the construction of your -  and everybody else's - earthly experience. You'd better overlook the differences, and enjoy the result you got! For your own serenity.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Hammer and Nails

To a hammer, everything around the world seems a nail. Similarly, a typical human feature is viewing the world according to one's disposition. In fact, when you are happy you see the world as a nice place to live in, if you are grouchy you perceive others as unpleasant. It's interesting to observe how every individual tends to paint the picture of their own lives according to their character, mood, feelings. When only feelings or mood are the 'painters', it will be a temporary image. But when the 'artist' is your character, it doesn't portray only one minute or one day: it outlines the picture of your whole life. Caution must be used when allowing a negative attitude to influence your character, because it has the power to seriously damage your state of mind and, consequently, your serenity.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Off Balance

Thinking is the most 'normal' activity that all human beings do. It's the main function of the brain, therefore this feature is needed by everyone in order to live organized, well-functioning lives. Sometimes, though, a little problem arises with two opposite kinds of people: those you think too little and those who think too much. The former are superficial and don't care to analyze the possible consequences of their actions. They just go ahead, say and do what they please without paying attention to how their words and actions may impact someone else's life. The latter are those who behave in the opposite way. Their characteristic is 'overthinking'. They have to scrutinize everything that happens around them: Why did they say that? Why did he behave in such a way? Did she really mean what she said?  Their lives are lived with the constant need of finding reasons. 

Under-thinking / Over-thinking: neither is balanced.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Tough Choice?

Picture this scenario: you happily planned your day, you have everything under control and you are looking forward to what is coming. Then, something happens. Nothing serious, just a little mishap: the friend who was supposed to call, doesn't call, a meeting you really wanted to have gets canceled, you had planned a picnic and it starts to rain, your hair doesn't look as good as usual....Just nuisances that, nevertheless, ruin your mood, and can even ruin your whole day. It's so common, so human, so 'normal'! Observe now your reaction: you are upset, you grumble, you feel really disturbed. It's ok. At this point, after having grumbled, felt upset and disturbed for a few minutes, you have a choice. Either you maintain this attitude, and feel miserable, or you snap out of it and move on, regaining your usual cheerfulness. Is it too difficult to decide? 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Now or Later?

Many tend to overlook the importance of "now" because they are too busy planning for tomorrow - for later. However, how sure can they be that there is going to be a 'later'? Besides, what does 'later' actually mean? Is it the next hour, day, month, year, decade? How do they know? They can only guess or, rather, hope. If you take a moment to reflect upon this, you realize how human beings seem to prefer fantasizing, making plans, arranging situations in their minds, and neglect to assess what they are presently experiencing. If everyone were aware that this very instant is the only one that really exists, greater attention would be given to the way such instant is lived. Through such awareness, there would be no regrets because every word or action would be carefully weighed before being expressed. The word "awareness", in fact, may be interpreted as a sort of deep knowledge of what is actually happening, right now. More 'focus' would yield more satisfactory results. Could there be a better way to move through life?

Thursday, November 4, 2021


Most words have just one clear meaning (chair, house, spoon etc.). The appearance of the 'things' may change, but there is no doubt about what they signify. Some words, on the other hand, can have a very different - often opposite - interpretation. One of these words is 'contrast'. Think of how light and shade in paintings by Caravaggio or Rembrandt create masterpieces. Think of the lively vision brought out by chiaroscuro in a drawing. Think of yellow leaves strewn on a green grassy lawn. How can you not admire the admirable combination of colors, of light and shade? But 'contrast' also indicates the striking difference of opinions that can give rise to misunderstanding and fights among human beings. Nature and art are always harmonious, even when they use 'opposites'. Mankind isn't. Although 'opposite' is a recurring feature in all facets of life, sadly it is highly misused by the part of creation that should be the wisest. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Leonardo's Way

If you have the opportunity to see Leonardo da Vinci's drawings, you will be amazed by one thing: the incredible number of sketches he made before painting a picture or carrying out a scientific or mechanical project. He appears to have examined the subject of his interest from every possible viewpoint and in the minutest detail. After all this work, it is not surprising that he could achieve perfection, or near-perfection. Could you do something similar with your life? If you examine it in all its facets: thoughts, words, expressions, behaviors, moods etc., you might be able to understand yourself better and, if necessary, make some changes here and there. In this way, as Leonardo's work achieved the highest artistic level, also your life might get closer and closer to reaching fulfillment and serenity. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

On Stage

Imagine you are an actor playing on stage. Your role has been assigned, you are wearing the suitable clothes, the backdrop is perfect. Now...start acting! Your success depends on how well you represent your character, according to the guidelines of the playwright. If you play well, when the curtain falls you will feel good about yourself and won't fear whatever role you might be asked to play in the future. On the other hand, if you don't play well, you will doubt your ability to represent any other character. You'll regret your lack of proficiency because you realize that you didn't apply yourself enough, you didn't do your best. This intriguing comparison can be applied to your own life. How? In what way? 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Of Islands and Bells

The last verse of John Donne's poem 'No Man Is an Island' is widely known: "...never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." On the subject of responsibility, you usually think about your duty to take care of your family, to be efficient in your job, to be aware of the needs of your community. This most evident interpretation is correct because it refers to your life priorities, along with the impact that your actions have on others. Is it possible to discern another, deeper meaning, that may not be so evident at first? An island does not stand alone because it is part of the planet, therefore it has to participate in the welfare of the whole. But, in order to perform this duty properly, it must first discover its inner needs and create a healthy environment for itself and for others. Similarly, your own 'self' should find a way to offer the best 'version' of who you are to the world, because you are an irreplaceable part of.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Ultimate Purpose

Everything that exists has a purpose, that can manifest in different ways. An architect creates a building in order to provide a habitable place for human beings. A demolisher tears it down if it becomes dangerous to people's safety. A teacher teaches, a student (hopefully) learns. Every action that is carried out has a goal. Such goal can be clear or hidden, but it is always present in its manifestation. Also life can be seen in such perspective. You may perceive it as a plan that starts at birth and ends at death. All life's endeavors are similar to building a house or to tearing it down, to the act of teaching and of learning. But the actual 'purpose' lays beyond these material actions. It's the inner experience that the actions of building and destroying, of teaching and learning create. The same can be believed for human life. All the struggles, successes and failures, all the sorrows and joys cannot be logically accepted as being the final goal of their "having been". Something beyond must exists that gives them a true meaning, an ultimate purpose.

Thursday, October 21, 2021


Human beings are similar, but also different from each other. It's a fact that you can observe all the time. Yet, it may be intriguing to reflect upon such reality. All people have the same general appearance, but features are different. Each individual reacts to stimuli, but each response is unique. The extrovert feels like opening up and reveal their innermost thoughts. The introvert is extremely private and discloses no feelings. The careful chooses what to express and what to keep silent about.  Such diversity can be a source of pride because it makes you feel 'special', but it may also give you a feeling of separateness. It's up to you to choose, and deal with your standpoint.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Law and Order

Freedom without order brings chaos. In the extreme interpretation that some modern culture gives of the word 'freedom', it may seem that happiness would be the result of being able to do and say whatever one wants. But the refusal of any rule does not bring harmony. Think of a painting: if the artist does not take certain guidelines such as proportions or combination of colors into consideration, the outcome will be disagreeable. The same happens to a musical creation. It is interesting to notice, though, how nowadays even discordant images and strident sounds are hailed as masterpieces by some. It's their personal taste - provided it is sincere and not dictated by a desire to follow the latest fad - so it must be accepted. Nevertheless, to a thoughtful mind, "order" still feels as necessary as "law" because without it...mayhem!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Contrasting Views

In any interaction between two human beings, one of the most difficult things to understand and accept is how the other can see the same situation in the opposite way. This is particularly challenging in the case of a partnership or close friendship.  While you are sure that you are being 'caring', the other sees your attitude as 'overbearing'. Your interest in their affairs is interpreted as invasion of privacy. Your need of a bit of alone time becomes for them moodiness and indifference. How to solve this problem? Sincere openness and sharing your feelings are a possibility, but not necessarily successful. Minds can be open to listening and understanding, but they can also be closed to accepting different ways of interpreting reality. Minds can be willing to mend a situation, but they can also be stubbornly firm in their position. So, if you need it, you can try ready to take whatever the outcome may be!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Look Up!

Many consider all that exists as 'matter'. Those who have such belief (apart from scientists) are probably not interested in wondering about  the Cosmos. If you are convinced that your daily affairs, pursuing a career, making money, leading a comfortable life are the only goals of your life, looking up at the stars on a dark, clear summer night can be considered a waste of time. Nevertheless, stargazing, wondering about the infinite space, the endless time, is an awesome experience. So many mysteries are waiting to be solved, so many questions to be answered. Musing on such subjects can make your head spin but, at the same time, it may also give you a hint of how grander "What Is" actually is.    

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Result: Life/Death

Lebanese-American poet Kahlil Gibran wrote that marriage can give either life or death. The same can be said about any other interpersonal close relationship. Marriage or partnership may seem to impact on someone's psyche more than any friendship. This is certainly true, but not completely. People have interactions that may end up being either beneficial and rewarding or disappointing and even detrimental. The words that are exchanged between two human beings, the behavior they have in their interactions greatly affect each other's physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. When there is sincere sharing and caring, life is given. When there is only unkindness and a lack of appreciation, metaphorical death is a possible outcome. Being constantly attentive and alert gives you the awareness you need to assess your actual situation. It will eventually encourage you - if necessary - to make new choices.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Dangerous Distortion

Changes in the past altered the way of living. Changes in modern times alter the way of thinking. All the transformations that took place in the previous centuries have brought about huge shifts in how people led their lives because new ways of doing things were provided: different means of transportation, of manufacturing things, of growing food or harnessing the forces of nature brought a lot of benefits to mankind. People's mentality was transformed, too, but slowly, mainly thanks to thinkers who expressed their revolutionary ideas through books and convivial conversations. Today computers (the Internet) are changing the way of thinking. They carry out the miracle of communication in ways that allow the instantaneous transmission of voice, written words and, most of all, images that have the power to instill in young minds a distorted view of reality, of the values of life. Progress is good but...are all means beneficial and acceptable?

Monday, October 4, 2021

Faster and Faster

An observation on modern life shows a changed attitude in dealing with the way people perceive communication. Some (seniors in particular) are used to, and enjoy talking at length, explaining things in detail, taking their time in whatever they do. Such behavior is unconceivable to others (juniors in particular), whose motto seems to be "hurry up". No long conversations, just quick text messages; no extended videos, just seconds-long clips; characters in movies speak fast, credits and written words flash on screen like lightenings...'Hurry up' is the modern watchword. In conclusion,  patience (the capacity to accept or tolerate delay) has become obsolete -  while haste (excessive speed or urgency of movement or action) well reflects a world that is moving "faster and faster" towards a future that will surely be full of additional, surprising changes.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Better Than Houdini

The Internet is probably the greatest magician of all times because it has the capacity to create something from nothing. While illusionists apparently produce ping pong balls out of their mouths or rabbits out of top hats, using real 'things', often the Internet builds fame and wealth out of absolutely 'nothing'. An admirable skill indeed! In the past, clever people such as scientific geniuses, great painters, writers or composers would live most or all their lives basically unknown. Nowadays the contrary happens: people with no talent whatsoever are smart enough to take advantage of online 'opportunities', and reach numberless eyes and ears. They find their way into the minds and fantasies of easily influenced spectators, empires are born overnight. Nevertheless, credit should be given to who deserves it. Such meritless celebrities, in fact, know how to keep their fans' interest awake, thus transforming what initially didn't exist into something tangible and extremely beneficial - to themselves!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Cosmic Orchestra

Scientists and philosophers have been debating on the nature of reality since...forever, and they are still going strong!  Among the myriad of theories proposed, the main  ideas are basically three: it's all matter, it's all mind, it a mixture of matter and mind. Another way to interpreter reality could be a similitude with an orchestra. Consciousness is the Composer/Maestro, who creates/directs what will be experienced. Mind is each Musician/Instrument who plays the music. Body is the Music/Symphony, the actual result of the cooperation between the other two. Simple and clarifying. Sometimes it just takes a little thinking to come up with a logical, acceptable, satisfying theory. Do you have one? Do you care to think about it?

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Best Friends

Have you ever wondered about how really close you are to others in general, or to one person in particular? It may not be an idle question. You have acquaintances and friends, maybe even a best friend. Acquaintances are people you meet from time to time and just talk with. It is a relationship with nothing as personal or intimate as it is with your friends, with whom you have real 'sharing'. If you are lucky enough to have a best friend, you are close to someone you can tell your deepest thoughts and secrets to. This sounds beautiful and comforting. it entirely true? Are you really able to communicate the true essence of your "self" to another human being? When you confide your problems, doubts, joys, successes, failures, disappointments to someone else, do you have the certitude that such person fully understands? Or are there some inner feelings, some motions of your soul that it's impossible to communicate? That, in the end, you are unable to establish a real connection, so you are basically "alone"?

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A Necessary Balance

Two statements sound very different and yet, to a deeper reflection, they may convey a similar meaning. The first is Rumi's "Do not feed both sides of yourself equally." The second is the famous "Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give God what belongs to God."Although metaphysically each human being is a perfect blend of material and spiritual, yet - in a general sense - body and spirit are two different manifestations of the seme 'essence'. So, while the ancient wisdom encourages mankind to give each part of a human being what is its right, Rumi attributes to each of these parts its own responsibilities. The body should deal with material matters, and take care of itself in the proper way; the spirit should deal with higher issues while, at the same time, guiding the human existence by means of a wise mind. Balance, once again, seems to be a major requirement for a "good life".

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Rule or Imposition?

As long as many people (you, too?) keep considering all rules like an imposition, an orderly society will not be possible. A rule is a regulation whose aim is to guide people's behavior in a particular situation. Its implementation is  necessary because, if it weren't, many would choose not to follow it. Imagine if even one rule about driving (for example "stop at a stop sign") were not compulsory, what will happen? In an organized society, everybody must behave in a specific way in a specific case, otherwise chaos will ensue. As it can be expected, not everybody agrees on such necessity. Although some regulations may be unnecessary or obsolete, the general principle must be accepted: the aim of maintaining order, safeguarding health, discouraging crime etc. Unfortunately, some oppose any rule simply because.... it is a rule. They refuse to see the wisdom of some "impositions" and believe that their freedom is taken away.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Unconscious Bias

Once again, check out how your life is 'arranged', right now, and try to discover the amount of freedom you truly have in leading it. You may still believe that you are absolutely free in "all" your beliefs, opinions, decisions, choices. But...are you really? Look into the feedback you received and you are still receiving, every single day. Your parents (teachers, church leaders etc.) instilled in your mind some basic principles that you have (probably unconsciously) followed till now. Were they more positive or negative? In any case, you can't get rid of them, unless a real rebellion happened in your spirit. Now friends, relatives, coworkers, preachers, the media assertively share opinions that are often capable of convincing you. In the end, you absorb what others said and make it your own. On the other hand, you could also just listen to all those 'voices', examine their message in depth, and follow your intuition. It unfailingly suggests what is "right" for you - throughout all the stages of your life. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Like Reeds

"Man is like a reed, the weakest thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed" is a profound statement by 17th century French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal. Human beings are indeed similar to reeds because they are not strong to all effects. This is due to their conditionings, complexes, naivety, jealousy, greed, and all the other forms of weakness that make them easy preys of unhappiness. The interesting side of Pascal's words is that, in spite of such frailty, human beings, differently from grass, are endowed with a mind. They can think. While a stalk cannot decide on how to react to blowing winds, a person can choose their behavior when faced by challenging situations. If they don't, it means that they see themselves as victims, and refuse to try to find a solution. Therefore, giving in to difficulties can only signify giving up the innate capability to "think" that belongs to each of us.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Seeing Yourself

A well-known saying states that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It is true, but this is not all. Imagine this scenario: someone pays you a compliment, but you don't believe you deserve it. Would their words change the way "you" see yourself? Most probably not. You will still be discontented with the way you are. Second scenario: you behave in a negative way as a reaction to your conviction that people don't like you. Could the way they treat you become more positive? Definitely not. So, you will keep seeing yourself as unjustly treated. The point here is that, if you don't like and appreciate yourself, neither will the others or, even if they do, it won't change your inner feelings. On the other hand, if you choose to nurse self-confidence and show it to the world, you will be able to joyfully accept any compliment you are given, and your new attitude will be reflected in the way the world responds to you. Who wouldn't like that?        

Thursday, September 9, 2021


One word widely used is "better". What does it really mean? The usual definition implies 'superior quality'. But the actual meaning can greatly vary according to different interpretations. For someone a 'better life' might mean more money, for someone else it is a more fulfilling family situation, career or social environment. One wishes for the freedom to travel around the world, for another it's a quiet life in a comfortable home. For you it might indicate your wish for an increase in personal awareness or spiritual uplift. Once again, you realize that not only people and situations but also the words you use can make a huge difference. The fact that sometimes you feel misunderstood is a clear indication of how diverse the interpretation of words can be, even in a simple conversation. Verbal communication (both in oral and written forms) is something to be very careful about. Consequently, before 'judging' someone else, try to understand what their words really mean.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Evolving Stages

Each stage in life can be perceived as perfect, complete in itself. Yet, it naturally flows into the next one, and the next, and the next. When a toddler has learned the skills proper to his (her) age, he stops being a toddler and moves into the following stage, where more, new, higher skills are absorbed. Thus does every human being grow and experience different levels of "humanity". You may wonder what stage life will evolve into when the final level is completed. The theory of evolution is usually applied to living organisms in general. Could it be also referred to the emotional and/or spiritual reality of an individual? All you know for sure is that the atoms that form a physical body are transformed into a different state of existence. They don't disappear, they are never destroyed. What happens to the incorporeal "essence" that makes you who you are?

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Justification vs. Explanation

A friend made a comment about an attitude of yours. In a way, they suggest that you need to make a change. What is your reaction? In one case, you just listen to their words without really taking them into consideration because you believe that each of you has the right to your opinion. However, you may feel hurt because you perceive those words as a criticism. Thus you react in a defensive way. In this case, your reaction may be caused by two different motivations: 1.the need to justify your attitude 2.a desire to explain the reasons for your behavior. To a superficial observer both 1 & 2 seem to be the same. But they are not. Justification implies recognition of having made a mistake, and unconsciously attempt to be 'forgiven' (as a child: not 'punished'). Explanation implies your right to make your reasons clear, with no acknowledgment of mistake. Sadly, people are often too quick to judge someone else's behavior, without first trying to understand what its real cause might be.