Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Create Your Well-Being

Checking on the “state” of your life should be a regular task of yours. You might believe that you don’t need it, but you do. Why? Because it is your duty as a human being to endeavor to create the best possible “situation” for you to live in. Start by trying to find out how serene or how chaotic your existence is. Something that you should ponder upon is this not-too-pleasant truth: every human being is the only person responsible for the way they feel. Negative feelings such as hatred, blame, resentment, jealousy etc. create a real hell on Earth because the emotional storm they cause inside your body, mind and spirit gives rise to never-ending unhappiness. On the other hand, positive feelings such as love, understanding, availability, compassion, generosity etc. grant your soul an uplifting serenity that creates long-lasting wellbeing.

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