Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Don't Regret It!

Regrets are a waste of time because they are useless. (Many may disagree, though.) When you did - or didn't do - what you are now sorry for, you did it because you simply couldn't do otherwise. The circumstances that brought you to behave in that way did not allow 'you' (= either your mind or you heart) to act differently. Most probably  you simply "had to" go through the experience that you now judge wrong. Every situation you face in life is meant to be. Why? To make you aware of something you don't know or you can't understand. Therefore, if you now regret an action or lack of action that you undertook in the past, don't regret it. In the majority of cases you don't even need to feel guilty. It's enough  to acknowledge it, try to understand why it was a mistake, learn from it... and move on.

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