Monday, May 6, 2019

Rain or Sunshine?

When it rains, you may feel gloomy or happy. If you have been longing for sunshine, seeing a cloudy sky and wet weather depresses you. On the other hand, if you have witnessed a long period of draught, a rainfall is a blessing and you feel grateful for it. This is an example of how the 'meaning' of an outside situation totally depends on how "you" perceive it. In fact, the rain just "is", period. It's neither good nor bad. It's only an atmospheric phenomenon. But... as in England it's a daily occurrence, the day the sun shines is worth celebrating. In the Sahara, though, where sunshine reigns all year long, a rainfall is considered a blessing. Once a farmer - being the weather very unpredictable - was asked about his forecast for the following day. He answered, "We'll have the weather I like". He didn't mind whatever kind of weather would actually materialize. Excellent philosophy of life, I believe.

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