Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Rituals, Why?

I have often wondered about the importance of rituals, about why many people seem to need them.  With "rituals" we usually refer to religious rites which are carried out in a certain way, repeatedly. In the repetitions of words and acts, the faithful reinforce their beliefs, they feel reassured in their faith, and this makes them experience a spiritual "belonging" to a like-minded and like-hearted community. But also daily routines can be considered a sort of ritual because they, too, are carried out in exactly the same way, day after day. In this case, it is mainly a matter of habit, necessary to a certain extent, where the individual does the same things, performs the same actions regularly, due to a precise and well-established lifestyle. Even if there is the possibility of changing the way some actions are carried out, most prefer not to try the new because the old makes them feel "secure".

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