Sunday, July 8, 2012

Wise Guys

Sometimes people who know a lot tend to believe that they know everything. Have you noticed that some of them simply have to always be right? And they have to make sure that you know it, as well. Therefore they never miss the chance to make you notice your error, if there actually was one. Have you sometimes tried to express an opinion that does not agree with theirs? No? Good for you. Yes? So, what happens then? Instead of appreciating what you know on the subject, although they don't particularly like it, they have to state all the details needed to show how wrong you are. Another scenario: if you change your opinion about something you said in the past, they seem to feel a tiny, but almost sadistic pleasure in immediately reminding you of your previous choice, so that you know that  ... they remember! Consequently, you are almost led into believing that you don't have a steady mind. Wow. Isn't this a petty way of dealing with others? If you tell them, they of course deny it and justify themselves by explaining that either they were joking or they were just straightening things up. Well, when you have to deal with this kind of "know-it-all", I wouldn't be surprised if you lose all desire to express your opinion or even to start a conversation with them. In fact you already expect that, if you dare to say something different from their infallible assertions, they will immediately answer back with a  a wise-guy correction.

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