Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Trust: Yes or No?

When people talk about 'trust', they usually refer it to others. They say that such and such person can or cannot be trusted, meaning that they feel comfortable in confiding in them or they don't. This distinction seems quite simple. Not so easy to answer, though, may be the question: Do you trust "yourself"? If you do, it means that you are aware of who you truly are and accept it unconditionally. You know both your strengths and your weaknesses. You accept your physical appearance without trying to alter it in extreme ways. Although you are not narrow-minded, you also hold strong beliefs and opinions. On the other hand, if you don't trust yourself, you are always in search of reassurance about the way people might perceive or judge you. You lack the inner certitude of your value, therefore you need others to notice and tell you positive things about your looks, intelligence, skills. Neither perception is right or wrong, of course. It's just what "is". But, once again, awareness is the key to better know oneself. 

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