Tuesday, April 27, 2021

The "Interesting" Isn't Interesting

It is interesting to realize how interesting things aren't interesting for most people. Certain topics, due to their own nature, should arouse curiosity, interest, attention. Therefore a great number of individuals should be attracted by them. It is not so. If you talk, write, make a video about politics, entertainment, money, fashion, famous people, crime, folks are willing to listen, read or watch. On the other hand, if you talk, write or make a video about subjects of paramount importance such as the true nature of the "self", the mysteries of the cosmos, the infinity of time, consciousness, ethics, the mind, just a few will take the time to pay attention. Why is it so? Possibly because the voice of the 'outer' world is louder than the voice of the 'inner' world. The needs of the spirit are drowned in the ocean of the senses. As sad as this is, yet it is an undeniable fact. It is "our" world.

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