Wednesday, November 4, 2020


A clear pattern can be detected in the history of mankind. At the beginning, it was just a small group of people who got together in order to survive. Then they evolved into a more advanced form of society which, through progressive ‘leaps’, achieved higher and higher levels. In Roman history, for example, a bunch of settlers were able to create a mighty empire. But, after reaching the top, it started to decline till its greatness faded. Our world (at least a great part of it) is now in such descending parable. Political, economic, social, cultural, artistic peaks are crumbling down. Even technology, while ‘progressing’ exceedingly fast, is failing to make people happier. If “progress” is supposed to create a truly better life for mankind, the present world situation sadly shows just the opposite. Can you perceive any glimmer of re-climbing?



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