Thursday, May 7, 2020

Rebellion vs. Perspective

There are people who feel the need to always be against something. They have to protest, defy, criticize, not matter whom, no matter what. Sometimes their cause is just, and their demonstrations deserve to be appreciated. But other times such defiance is just an "attitude". Accepting that intelligent human beings choose to deny the evidence of ascertained facts goes against any logic. So, one possible explanation is that such people - at a deep level they are probably unaware of - don't really 'believe' what they say. It's just a superficial layer of mistaken pride, self-confidence and stubbornness that gives them the illusion that, in behaving as rebels, they are proving to the world how tough, strong, powerful they are. Actually - in a real situation faced by the whole mankind - they are simply showing their lack of perspective.

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