Monday, July 29, 2019


Have you ever noticed how sometimes a very small disagreement between two people can give origin to a huge quarrel, even a fight? You say something, the other answers in a way that you consider inappropriate. You feel the need to rebut. The other answers back... and so on and so forth. Each time the voices rise, the tone gets harsher, you both feel you must 'have the last word'. But neither can. In a heated argument there cannot be a winner. Each antagonist needs to prove their point to the extreme, no matter what the consequences might be. It's a kind of  temporary madness, which no-one seems to be aware of. Such situation can occur on any scale: between relatives, friends, community members, countries. Starting from a tiny, almost negligible spark, a huge fire is born, that can be enormously destructive, breaking relationships, friendships, community ties, even cause wars. How sad. If only people could realize the absurdity of allowing a simple difference of opinion, often a misunderstanding, cause so much damage!

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