Friday, October 26, 2018

What To Expect?

One rather puzzling question: Should I expect the best or prepare for the worst? The answer depends on how you perceive the world. If you have convinced yourself that it is a dangerous place, where everybody 'out there' is always ready to harm, betray or cheat on you, then you had better prepare for the worst because this may be what you will actually experience. Your belief makes you behave in a way that will probably attract negative outcomes. On the other hand, if you perceive the world as a friendly place, your attitude is more open, accepting, welcoming, so the response you get has more chances of matching your conviction. Naturally, even if you are 'negative', you might get some good results and, if you are 'positive' you might get bad results. The most logical attitude? Expect the best but, deep inside, be prepared to accept "any" outcome.

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