Wednesday, December 31, 2014


You often see yourself as a bird in a cage, don't you? You feel like a prisoner, you feel you cannot "fly". But it is just your impression, an impression created by all the conditioning you have received since birth. You need to forget it and try to spread your wings. If you find the courage and do it, you will realize that the cage you thought you were kept in is imaginary. This means that, if you endeavor to act more boldly, to do a little more, to do it better, to experience new things, to improve something in yourself, you will see how your "potential" is much greater that you believed it to be.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Age of "Expertise"

It is probable that in history people have never talked as much as they do today. They have an unstoppable need to express their opinions, even if they are not original at all; they have the impelling need to rebut what someone else is saying, even if they do not have enough knowledge. Everyone seems anxious to convince another, to prove his/her point at all costs. There must be discussions on every subject, on each piece of daily news, it doesn’t matter if it is important or petty. Most individuals are happy with just talking, without actually saying anything of value. All fields are touched in “educational” programs, debates, talk-shows. Everyone must express their opinion on social situations, religions, politics, it doesn’t matter how superficial their knowledge might be. Everyone feels an “expert”. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

An Iron Ball

Many consider the past as an essential part of their existence and keep referring to it, often modeling their present behavior on it, without realizing that today’s situations are different. Others use the past to diminish the importance of the present, regretting the good old days, thus overlooking what Life is offering them right now. Looking back can be useful if it makes you aware of the obstacles you overtook and of the lessons you learned. It is helpful if it encourages you to move forward and make use of such lessons. But it can be as harmful as an iron ball tied to your ankle if it prevents you from proceeding boldly on your path, if it smothers your joyous expectations. Being stuck to the past destroys all hope for the future and neutralizes the experience of the present.

Friday, December 26, 2014

A Journey

In spite of the fact that everybody seems in a hurry to reach a destination, they often end up forgetting where they are going. Imagine an individual who starts driving with the firm intention of arriving at a certain place as soon as possible. He is looking forward to reaching his (or her) objective, is full of enthusiasm and good will. He doesn’t want to waste time. Then, while driving, he sees a lovely green spot near a creek, so he decides to stop and get some fresh air (“It’s hot today”, he says), eventually lying down and taking a nap. “I have still plenty of time”, he says. Later, he resumes his driving and goes on a for a while, till he sees a motorway cafĂ© and decides to stop again and have a cup of coffee. “It will make me more alert”, he says. Lunch follows, the news on TV, a chat with another patron. The arrival at destination gets further and further. “I’ll resume my trip tomorrow”, he says, deciding to stay overnight. The “motorway” of success is also strewn with alluring parking places. Do you have the above attitude when you start a new project? Enthusiasm at first, then slowdown, finally inertia?

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

An Impatient World

Latin poet Ovid wrote that everything takes place gradually and at the right time. Nevertheless, impatience is an undeniable human characteristic, especially nowadays. No-one seems willing to wait in order to obtain something they want, no-one accepts to work long enough to reach a certain goal, no-one wants to postpone till tomorrow what – according to logic - is not possible to do or have today. Everybody is in a hurry, preferably driving instead of walking, eating “fast” food, talking non-stop etc. It is a lifestyle that is supposed to be more productive, more efficient because it allows people to do more things in a shorter time. But… what “things”? Such mentality seems to rather lead towards a forgetfulness of the truly important purposes. Awaiting the “right time” has become obsolete.

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Real Problem

Those who cannot detach themselves form the past have  a problem. By remaining anchored to what “has been”, they do not experience what “is”, often living in the fear of what “will be”. Keeping on remembering the good old days, the loved one who abandoned them, the lost job, the fading youth and beauty, the nest left empty by the children etc., some human beings end up by not living their lives. Without realizing it, they deny what good the present moment can offer, lost as they are in useless - sometimes even dangerous and harmful - memories. Yes, some memories can be dangerous and harmful because they deprive the individual of his/her capacity to cope with the present moment, with the situation they are living in. And the present moment, the situation they are living in is the only thing they need to take care of, because it is their “actual” life.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Brick Wall

If you don't like someone's ideas or opinions, instead of getting upset, rebut or even attack, simply don't listen to what they say, don't read what they write. It is as simple as that. Sometimes ignoring is better that facing and challenging. Should this be considered a coward attitude? Absolutely not. It is wise instead. Banging your head against a brick wall will hurt your head while leaving the wall totally intact. Besides, everyone has the right to their own opinions, even when they are the opposite of yours.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

It's Up To You

Can life be considered a "game", a "play"? Well, didn't Shakespeare write that life is a stage and we all play a part upon it? Someone else declared that life is like a movie of which we are the script writer, the director and the  protagonist. So, in definitive, it's up to each of us, and therefore to you, too, to decide what we want to write in the plot, how to direct it and how to act it out. It's a great responsibility, isn't it? How aware are you of the power you have in your hands? Do you believe that it is really up to you to determine how your life is going to be carried out? If you do, never forget that, in any case, you also own the best tool that can help you in this great undertaking: It's the magic word "attitude", which has the power to transform feelings about what is happening, about setbacks and disappointments.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


When you think about your life, about what you did and said, it is natural for you to find some things that you don't like, that you regret, that you wish you could erase. But, as you well know, this is impossible. It is therefore advisable to stop looking back. Stop recriminating, stop re-creating turmoil, re-experiencing guilt or resentment for something that has been and is no more. Yes, the past is "no more". Therefore the only thing you can do, now, is to accept what has been, what "you" have been. Make amends if you can, forgive you must and then... move on. The past does not exist, only the present is real.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


A Facebook friend posted this quote: "No pressure... no diamonds". I like it. These words, if pondered upon, could be of great help in challenging times. You can in fact use the stress weighing on your shoulders to build muscles, to make yourself stronger, to create new ways to overcome hardships. When setbacks and obstacles cannot be avoided, the best way out is to face them, address them and... overcome them. At this point, you will find your own diamonds, you'll be a "winner"!

Friday, December 12, 2014

A Story

"1984", written by English author George Orwell in 1949, is a story that could be easily taken as an example of mankind at large.
The characters are:
1. The "boss" (Big Brother) that can be identified in different manifestations (political, religious, social etc.). '
2. The "intelligentsia" (intellectuals and creative people). 
3. The "populace" (the common people), a herd of sheep-like individuals who live an unexamined life, totally indoctrinated by whatever creed. 
Big Brother rules over everybody. The intelligentsia make everything function but they are controlled and spied upon because they can be dangerous (they can "think"!). The mass is left alone because it is harmless and limits itself to survive. 
Not an encouraging picture, is it? Nevertheless, it seems a lot like our world.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Believing and Being

You often heard about how important it is to believe in yourself, to trust yourself, to be convinced of your own capabilities. At this point in your life, you are sure you trust and believe in yourself, you are convinced of your own capabilities. Excellent. Now ask yourself: “Has my life actually changed because of this conviction of mine?”. Check out if your attitude towards your daily challenges has improved, if you are more dependable and responsible. The final test: Do you feel a “winner”?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bleak Times

Thinking about your past, you might discover that, in certain periods, nothing "good" was happening in your life. It seems that you were faced by one challenge after another, in front of which you felt powerless. If you reflect deeply, and examine your secret convictions, you may realize that, in those times, you unconsciously believed that your only duty was to "give", and never "receive". Is it possible that you felt unworthy of a greater good? Undeserving? Were you used to always put others before yourself? And - here is the key-point - did all this appear "fair" to you? If those were the "cards" you have been playing, it's now time to shuffle the deck a bit more seriously and... consciously.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Free Choice?

Although you have the freedom to make choices, there are certain situations where - while you believe that the choice you are making is truly free - you are actually "led" there. In fact, there is sometimes a mysterious factor that, without your knowledge, creates an unavoidable feeling in your deep self that deviously makes any other choice impossible. You might have had this experience: you liked something (or loved someone), then your feelings changed. Eventually such feelings seem to be "resuscitated". Consequently, you make the "free" choice to pursue what you now think you definitely like or be with the person you now sincerely think you love. It might be so... or it might not. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

That Little "Something"

An old Italian saying says, "A man's worth is measured by how much he knows". Is it true? Not really. Or at least, not completely. The value of a man (or of a woman) is neither determined by how much he owns or by how much he knows. To "own" stuff, whatever it is (culture included) is certainly desirable - and there is nothing wrong with it - but it is not sufficient. What is truly indispensable is that little "something" that makes you be who you are, that makes you behave the way you do. What is it? Just your motivations, your principles, your ethics. The way you treat others (and yourself), the way you face challenges, the way you perceive life - and act accordingly - is your real value as a human being. And this also determines how you will be remembered.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


If, as they say, Life is a school, ask yourself these questions:

1. What is there for me to learn?

2. What should I learn?

3. What am I learning?

4. Am I actually learning anything?