Sunday, August 31, 2014


Sunny weather and rainy weather. Two atmospheric situations that can be interpreted very differently, in spite of remaining the same. In a dry country, where the sun shines constantly, a rainy day is welcomed and praised like a great gift from above. On the other hand, in a wet country a sunny day is longed for by most and anxiously awaited. What does this mean? It simply means that the same situation can be seen in different (often opposite) ways according to who is looking at them. It would be best to think like a peasant who, when asked about his favorite kind of weather, answered, "I don't have a favorite. I like them all."

Friday, August 29, 2014


Tchaikovsky is definitely my favorite composer. I find his music to embody the deepest feelings and yearnings of the human soul. Among them is the desperation of a spirit looking for answers that it already knows will never be found. Listening to the "Nutcracker" or "Swan Lake", you can't help identifying yourself with the composer in a sort of search for the meaning of the human condition, of the suffering that exists in the world, as well as wondering where all this is leading to. There is sort of "running" not so much away from something, but rather towards an unknown destination that, nevertheless, eludes human understanding. Tchaikovsky's music is not always sad, on the contrary. But even in the cheerful pieces you can detect the underlying sadness that can be seen in the eyes of a person who, although profoundly tormented, still endeavors to offer the world a smile.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Question

A question keeps bothering me: is the change that takes place throughout the ages a natural one, or is there a hidden "force" that brings it about? Is the change happening truly spontaneously, or is it orchestrated by a mysterious plan where "someone" (something or ... whatever) already knows where mankind is going? If it is so, who can be so wicked to have driven the world to the present moment, where what we see is certainly not the most desirable evolution point one may wish for. Has humankind gone through so much to arrive... "here"? Have all the lessons learnt through history brought us to ... "now"? Has the ethical, moral, spiritual search created the "modern family" world?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A Card Game

Author Anthony de Mello writes that life is like a card game where each player makes use of the cards he (or she) receives as well as he can. The one who insists on playing not according to the cards he has got but according to those he claims he is entitled to, is bound to fail in life.
We are not asked if we want to play. We have no choice on this. Everyone must participate in the game. But it is up to us  to decide "how" to play.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Doubt vs. Certitude

Lucky the people who are totally contented with their beliefs. They have no doubts whatsoever, and happily live in an unbreakable bubble of certitudes. On the other hand, others can't help asking questions, wondering why, reflecting upon different possibilities. They live in a reality that offers options. They are free to choose. Are they happy? On the contrary. Although someone said that doubt is the father of knowledge, it's certainly not the best way to pursue happiness.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


We are used to saying that a coin has two sides and that each side is a true part of the coin. By this well-known comparison we try to prove that, in any argument, - in order to find a fair solution - the reasons of both interlocutors should be taken into consideration because they are both true. But a thought occurred to me: is a fair solution really possible to find? I mean, "really" possible? Yes, the two sides of the coin do belong to the same object but, in a way, not only are they different, they are also completely separated. They do not "see" each other. They give their backs to each other and, therefore, they are unable to "communicate". Could this mean that connecting the two parts of the truth is not as easy as it might seem?

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Is "thinking" good? Weird question, you may say. Thinking is, in fact, a very important activity of your brain (beside regulating all other activities). Ok, so let us change the question. Is thinking "always" good? Here, I believe, the answer is not immediately obvious. When your thinking activity is limited to studying, facing and solving life's challenges, it is positive because it helps you deal with tasks or problems you have to carry out or find a solution to. Trouble arises when thinking becomes the "main" activity of your brain. When you cannot stop wondering, hypothesizing, worrying about, brooding, analyzing any unpleasant situation that is present in your life and that you feel you are unable to resolve. What to do?
To think or not to think (too much)? This is question!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is Life A Stage?

Shakespeare wrote that the world is a stage and all human beings have to play their roles. This may mean that we act out our part in a way that is mainly unconscious, we limit ourselves to follow the script we have been given, we don't even realize that we are acting. Others say that, yes, life is a stage but each human being - beside being a player - is also the script-writer and the director. They mean that we have the power to decide what we want our "play" to be, and that we can change the script any time we wish. According to them, human beings have full power of decision. Another possibility is that every human being plays a role on the stage of life while his (her) "true self" consciously watches from the audience sitting area. The individual sees himself play a part that he, most probably, hasn't chosen, but that he finds himself compelled to play. A puppet? Who knows!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Understanding Others

It has been said that, in order to know, and therefore understand, the world and the other human beings, one must know himself (or herself) first. We usually accept such concept as true. But, at times, it is not so easy to grasp this kind of wisdom. If you repeatedly experience a behavior in another that is the opposite of what you believe to be right, it seems almost illogical to "know" the other, to empathize with their way of being. You can "accept" it, but... can you really understand it? Is anyone really able to do that? We say that we should not judge a person unless we have metaphorically walked in their shoes for some time. Therefore, if you haven't found yourself in that specific situation, how can you comprehend their behavior?

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Every time I re-read the classic "Nineteen Eighty-Four" by Georges Orwell (published in 1949), I realize that it seriously scares me. Among many, one quote is particularly meaningful: (In the near future) "The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not-thinking, not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness." According to its Greek root, the word orthodoxy means correct thinking. Therefore, in Orwell's 'prophecy', correct thinking in the future will be equal to "not thinking". Pure science fiction? Maybe. But, seeing how the modern technology is narrowing people's capacity of reasoning on their own, Orwell's fantasy might not be so far-fetched.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


You probably know that the word personality derives from the ancient Greek "persona", which meant "mask". Therefore, personality is what appears to the world, what is shown to others, what clothes the inner nature of human beings. But... have you ever wondered about what this might mean as to your relationships? 
At times such outer presentation corresponds to the real self. If an individual is shy (nervous, caring etc.) inside and also outside, it's ok. This is the way he/she really is. But, unfortunately, many times the way you see someone behave is very different from what he (or she) truly is. The sweetest person in the world, the one who charms you with their smiling face or kind demeanor, may shelter a totally different nature. He (or she) may own the ability to captivate your sympathy and make you blind towards a deeper reality. Therefore... don't be too naive. Beware!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


The human mind is certainly the most mysterious thing that ever existed. Its main goal seems to be happiness, and it endeavors to find it at all costs. Yet it seldom (if ever) finds it. Not only doesn't it find it - in spite of intelligence, fame, success, riches - but the human mind can reach such a degree of desperation that it decides to cut the rope of its own life. Therefore we see extremely talented and successful people who often become pray of addiction, plunge into depression and end up choosing to stop living rather than go on with their suffering (or actually "do" something about it). How sad! How sad is it to realize that all the goods of this world can nothing against a single desperate thought that takes hold of one's mind and leads it to an extreme, desperate deed.

Sunday, August 10, 2014


Some people celebrate their birthday, others don't. Why? Those who do are people who enjoy their life, who are reasonably happy with their situation and like to share their satisfaction with caring friends. Who doesn't like to celebrate? People who feel they haven't too much to be delighted about in their actual circumstances. A birthday is a reminder of time passing by and everyone, counting the years of one's own life, is compelled to make an account of what has been achieved: things to be proud or ashamed of, regrets, successes, failures etc. Hence, either they feel satisfied or they feel disappointed. That is throws a party, another endeavors to forget!

Friday, August 8, 2014


August 8th, one hour globally dedicated to meditating upon World Peace.
Our Earth has experienced war and turmoil since the beginning of time, but many are hopeful that a certain amount of serenity can still be achieved. Where to start? From the heart of the single individual. It will soon spread to the family, then to society. Eventually it will affect the whole country and, finally, the World. A utopia? Probably. But the human spirit can't stop hoping. Without hope no life is acceptable. Let us therefore try - each of us - to create some peace (no matter how small an amount) in our own heart by loving more, by forgiving, by offering a helping hand, by simply smiling or saying a kind word. It should not be too difficult, when we are aware that even the smallest wave is important for the existence of the ocean.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

New vs. Old

An Italian proverb says, "If you leave the old road, you know what you are leaving behind but not what you will find." This seems to remind you that the unknown can be scary or deceitful. On the other hand, Positive Thinking encourages you to abandon old stuff (ideas, habits, maybe even your environment), if you feel the need for a change. Are these two concepts in contrast? Probably not. At important crossroads in your life, you should follow your intuition and dare to step out of your old ways. But, be careful. Making a choice does not mean that you are chained forever. If you realize that it was not the optimal decision, you can still go back and... try again. Wisdom must be your final guide. 

Monday, August 4, 2014


Are you aware of the impact that your choices make on your and other people's lives? Most times human beings tend to undervalue such impact, they simply think that saying or doing "something" is no big deal. They usually carry on without even wondering how that word or deed of theirs may have affected another. If you reflect for a moment, you will admit that this is not fair. You have the responsibility to weigh any possible consequence of your decision to speak or act in a certain way. You cannot walk through life without paying attention to what you are stepping on and to where your steps are taking you. If you do, you might later regret it bitterly.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Modern "Needs"

Someone defined a consultant as an individual who borrows "your" watch to tell "you" the time. Most of what consultants tell you, in fact, is stuff that you can easily find out by yourself. In our modern world there are home staging consultant, clutter / skin care / philosophic / image / weight loss / wedding consultants, and many others. An expert can certainly be helpful in really difficult fields such as, for example, tax filing. But as to other stuff, you can just get plenty of information on your own. If you have dry skin, make a search and find the best cream for you. Why should you need an expert to tell you that you have dry skin and need to use a suitable cream? 
Finally, a joke. The Company big boss says, "The consultants we brought in to monitor the consultants who are looking into our cutting back on consultants are recommending specialist consultants".