Friday, October 18, 2013

Is Your Knife Blunt?

I have often wondered how come that many (most, I dare say) people are not interested in Positive Thinking. If they hear about it, they agree that it is "a good thing" and... that's it. They immediately forget about it, they don't care to understand what it actually is, they are not willing to explore its principles. On a theoretical basis, they "know" that there is a better way to live their lives, yet they don't feel like investigating such possibility. These people remind me of the little story about the butcher who could not find the time to sharpen his blunt knife because he was too busy cutting (with great difficulty) the meat he was selling. Should we be sorry for such unawareness? I don't really know. It seems that many prefer to choose the hard path of anger, resentment, blame etc. because they believe it makes them look stronger, tougher, "in charge" or "in control". It is their choice, to which they have the right, therefore they deserve to be acknowledged (and, just a bit, sympathized with).

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