Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Let Us Talk Less!

A lady asked a friend for a ride but, when she started telling her why she needed it, she was told: "You don't need to explain." The lady was dumbfounded. She had always thought that, when we ask for something from somebody, we NEED to give explanations. It seems it is not so ."Ask and you shall receive" probably means that the simple act of asking someone who is willing to give is enough to be granted our wish. Now I can't help wondering how many extra, not-needed words do we utter every day, just because we believe we have to go on, and on, and on in order to tell, explain, recount, justify, try to convince, prove a point etc... Never had I seen this truth so clearly, and understood why silence instead of words can often make life easier (and more appreciated by others!).

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