If you want to improve the quality of your life, live better and be happier, then the principles of Positive Thinking can help you Re-Create your life!
Differences in flowers are accepted
without criticism or judgement,
but not in human beings.
People should realize the absurdity
of allowing a simple difference
of opinion to cause great damage.
You can be excellent whenever
you give the best of yourself.
In whatever situation
one finds themselves in,
it has been their choice.
Try to be aware of what you are
going to say before you say it.
Acting instinctively can be useful
at times, but not always.
‘When you are young, you consume
your health to get wealth, and when
you are old, you consume your wealth
to get back your health’. (a quote)
Beware: any trait (especially negative)
that a person has when young,
will be magnified in their old age.
You may be able to hide
your blunder to others, but
deep inside…'you' know!
Life, at all levels,
needs to complete
its pattern (cycle).
A degree of diplomacy (not hypocrisy)
is needed. Self-righteousness causes
uncomfortable feelings.