Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Falling Leaves

While looking at the beautiful yellow/orange leaves falling to the ground, I couldn't help thinking about the imminent end of the trees'  yearly life cycle. They will remain still, apparently lifeless, during a well-deserved period of rest. But their life doesn't end: on the contrary, it will slowly regain strength and vitality till time will come for a new beginning, for a new birth in the shape of buds first, flowers next and, finally, the triumph of luscious green foliage. As Nature follows the same patterns in all its manifestations (just think of fractals, holographic images, the Fibonacci sequence), in a never-ending repetition of itself, is it possible that also human life can re-live in new 'editions' of itself, beside the individual natural offspring?

Saturday, October 26, 2019


If you think about the meaning of the word 'knowledge', you will most probably agree with the definition the dictionary gives: "facts, information and skills acquired through experience or education". Basically, it means "learning", which - of course - is correct. But, if you reflect some more, you realize that there is another kind of knowledge. It is the deep knowing of your inner 'self', that feeling that makes you sure of what the right behavior is. You can call it also wisdom. If sometimes you don't follow such feeling because you are unaware of it, it doesn't mean it is not there. It is like an old poem you had memorized when you were younger and then forgotten. If you happen to think of it again, you will feel the words flow into your alert mind as if they had always been there, present. Because they had. And so is your inner knowledge. Always and forever.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


What is the "essence" of something? You can say that it consists in the characteristics, the qualities that make something what it is. But not necessarily how it 'appears'. To make this concept clearer, think of an illusionist. When you see his tricks, you are brought to believe (even if just for a moment), that it is magic, that the illusion is reality. But what you see is the appearance of the trick, not its essence. The former deceives your eyes, the latter is skillfully hidden. Thus, if you consider what a good deed is, it seems that the exterior action is what counts. It may, but only to a certain extent. If its essence (the true feeling behind the action) is selfish, you are the illusionist who tricks himself.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A New Map

Till this moment you may have accepted to proceed without actually paying attention to your thoughts, acts, choices. If you become aware of this, and you commit yourself to make some 'adjustments' to improve the situation, things become easier and more natural. Once you re-mold your mental ‘form’, you see how your way of thinking, your usual interpretation of reality, each experience - either material or spiritual - becomes positively influenced. A new ‘road map’ can guide you in the right direction towards your goal. Just think seriously about where you want to go and and how you want to get there. There are so many new things to do, new ideas to explore, new experiences to welcome. Make the first step!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Theory Becomes Practice

If you let what you have always felt to be the truth come up to the surface of your spirit, you will allow yourself to accept positive suggestions not as just theoretical. You will become capable of applying them in every moment and in every circumstance. In so doing, your life is transformed through the re-programming of your mind. First you learn how to change your negative thoughts into positive ones. Then, as a direct consequence, also your way of expressing yourself changes, as well as your behavior. This change will make you available to welcome more favorable circumstances. Isn’t this what you wish for?

Monday, October 14, 2019

Forgotten Ideas

Only when you are able to transform fighting into harmonious, dance, can you start living better. But you need to be committed to the task. Furthermore, it is up to you to truly “believe” that this is possible  and make the effort to open your mind to make it ready to accept some ideas. These ideas have been shared for a long time, but it seems that they have been almost forgotten by many. People are too busy pursuing other goals, dreams that they have erroneously been brought to consider sources of happiness - while they are not.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Art of Living

The daily challenges, the relationships with the others, the search for an always greater fulfillment – both material and spiritual – should not necessarily be a struggle. Nevertheless, this is exactly the way we usually interpret our lives. We picture ourselves as gladiators in the arena, surrounded by tigers and lions, or challenged by adversaries stronger than we are. We feel that we are continuously attacked, and from here our state of struggle arises. Such state causes either fear, mistrust and aggression, or weakness, submission, and cowardice. Some fight, others give up. Neither masters the art of living. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

To Live Well

The Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote, “The art of living is more similar to a fight than to a dance”. Is it really so? It seems it is, according to what we see around us and also inside of us. But… what does “the art of living” mean? It means “to live well”. To live well does not mean to live your life without problems, in a kind of ever-lasting limbo. This would be a rather empty and dull life. What makes our lives worth living is the fact that they are (or can be) always new. This implies a continuous confrontation with ourselves and with others. It is creativity and awareness.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Traveler's Choice

Imagine Life as an open space. On one side, you see a wide field where you are free to go wherever you want, to choose your direction, your pace and gait. On the other side you have some well-defined routes where each traveler is obliged to walk in a specific direction, at a fixed speed, moving in a certain way. And the arrival line is also there, set for you by someone else. Will you allow others to keep deciding on your behalf where to go and how to proceed? On the other hand, if you become truly aware of the actual situation, you also realize that you are capable of making your own life plan. The natural consequence of such realization is an action that will take you straight to the achievement of your goal. 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Start Line

In the great scenario of creation, your place is exactly where you are now, because here is the beginning of your new path, the place from which to take your next step. It is the perfect spot for your present "being" and it is also the start line for your "becoming". Once you are aware of this, you can't help feeling first grateful, then motivated to move forward because a new array of possibilities is spread in front of you. And you also realize that it's up to you to choose and act upon your choice.