Friday, November 30, 2018

It's Magic!

Have you ever wondered how it is possible for you to "experience" a sensory, physical reality in your mind? If you just think about seeing a scenery or a person, hearing a sound or some music, tasting pizza or drinking coffee, smelling a scent, touching or being touched... well, you really feel it! It's like magic. Nothing is there - in the physical world - to cause your sensation but, by simply "willing" it, you are practically able to create it. Not in the material sense, of course, but the sensation you perceive is real. No big deal, you might say. This is how the mind works. Of course. You are so used to imagining things that you probably never thought of - or were interested in - the miracle of such a capability that your "self" has. Now ask yourself this question: Who is the  originator of such skill: your body/brain/mind/heart? Something else that guides it all? Cool conundrum!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Do you believe that things are already determined, “written”? On one hand, your answer may be yes. In this case you may also be convinced that it’s useless to try to change anything, to strive to achieve a goal, to make a real effort. On the other hand, you may believe that life is like a blank page and you are completely and totally free to fill it with your own story, create events and outcomes according to your decision, determination and willpower. So, are you sure about your answer to the above question? If you are not, dig inside yourself and discover if you feel to be somewhat able to mold your own existence or if your conclusion is that you have control over nothing.  It's one ... or the other!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Choose "Your" Road

If all the roads led in the same direction, the traffic would be awful, as well as monotonous. Therefore, the roads are many, the destinations different, the journey interesting. In life, everyone can move as they like, according to their aspirations and talents. A problem arises when one wants wants to go in the same direction as another only because he/she is either an emulator or simply lazy. If you attempt to behave in a way that is not according to your character, you will fail. When you follow your deepest intuition, you know what is the best goal to aim at, the one that is the most suitable to your true nature and to the highest aspirations of your spirit.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Let Us Never Forget To Be Grateful.

Let us never forget to be grateful.
Gratitude is a feeling that gives you the certainty that you are taken care of, always. In spite of circumstances that may be difficult, "all shall pass" and, in the end, everything is going to be all right. Provided you believe it. Provided you keep a positive attitude. Provided you show courage in front of any challenge. Nothing happens by chance, so it's up to us (and to you, too!) to recognize the hidden wisdom in any apparently hard situation. Gratitude is the recognition of a wider, although mysterious energy that guides (as Dante would say) "the sun and the other stars". Happy Thanksgiving.

Sunday, November 18, 2018


What would you really do if you could make choices in total freedom? It seems an easy question but, actually, it is not. You are used to saying that you would just love to do this or that – without being really convinced. Human beings , in fact, tend to be rather superficial when they express their preferences because they are conditioned by the opinions of others, by peer pressure, by the current fad, by the need to “keep up with the Joneses”. Therefore, more often than not you - like most of us, for that matter - limit yourself to live a life that doesn't totally fulfill your innermost desires and aspirations. Maybe you don't feel up to it, maybe you consider your dream impossible to realize, maybe... Too many "maybes" prevent you from choosing to dare and go for it! The good news is that it's never too late to choose to...choose!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Need for Fantasy

Fairy tales and myths have existed since... always! Their existence expresses the need of the human mind to believe in something that is not totally "human", something that goes beyond our normal knowledge and understanding. Imagination of the mind and wishful feeling of the heart create characters and situations that seem unreal to a normal assessment. But... what is 'normal'? The dictionary defines it as "conforming to a standard, usual, typical or expected". Yes, that's it. It is something that respects certain rules, that can be experienced daily, that doesn't hold any surprising aspect. It is life in its commonness, in its flatness. Any thought or feeling that creates even the slightest excitement has an element of imagination, something that goes beyond the regular 'conforming standard' of living. Hence, the forever successful stories that bring the domain of fantasy alive, that show you the possibility of realms that go beyond the box created by human conventions.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Down the 'Rabbit Hole'

The historical well "Pozzo di San Patrizio" in Orvieto (Italy) is so deep that it inspired the Italian expression "To be like Saint Patrick's well" to indicate something practically bottomless. I believe we can say that the human mind is like St.Patrick's well, too. It seems that there is no end to any kind of thought, wandering, musing, considering, arguing... Like any sequence of numbers, the mind can go on and on and on without ever reaching a final boundary. Such awareness is interesting. It can be comforting, as it assures you that you can be as creative and deep-thinking as you like. But it can also be dangerous, if you persist in diving into the 'rabbit hole' to the extreme, down into the unknown, into confusion and chaos. As usual, discrimination, prudence and balance are the best choice. Even (and - maybe - especially) in dealing with your own mind.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Masters of Feelings

Are you, or are you not, the master of your feelings? It may be interesting to investigate this matter. The feelings you experience, either positive or negative, are caused by external circumstances. You love someone because they arise beautiful sensations in your soul. You resent someone because they did you wrong. Can you stop (or start) loving a person by relying on your will power? Can you change resentment into forgiveness in your heart by just "willing"it? Think about it. We are told that happiness (i.e. a blissful state of inner peace) should not depend on outer situations. We want to believe it and we might even succeed in believing it. Is putting such belief into practice easy? Is it even possible?

Thursday, November 8, 2018


Do you sometime wonder, "Am I loved, cared for, and supported by others, or can I count only on myself?". The feeling of being loved, cared for and supported by someone else is a very comforting experience. You relax, you stop worrying because you know that there is another human being ready to look after you, to provide for your needs. But this may not always be the case. Such person may become unavailable, or unable to give you the help you need. Better explore other possibilities, too. If the weather is uncertain - as Life always is - better take an umbrella even if at present it isn't raining. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

Feeling Safe

Feeling safe is a need that everyone shares with the rest of mankind.  Every human being knows that safety, i.e. the preservation of one's own physical and mental integrity, is indispensable to live well. The problem arises when such need is jeopardized by some possible circumstances. What to do? There is no definite answer. Many steps can be taken in securing one's own personal affairs, but sometimes settling "things" might not be enough. The feeling of safety goes beyond material stuff. Having enough money to live comfortably is a good starting point. But a deeper inner feeling is necessary to make you relax, and stop worrying about the future. Such feeling can be fostered by the intuition of a greater 'plan' that exists beyond your physical perception. A plan that makes everything 'be well' in the end. For each of us. Thus, for you, too.

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Some believe in always keeping a relaxed attitude, so they tend to take everything easy. They don't worry, they willingly accept whatever or whoever comes along. They certainly are pleasant to be with. On the other hand, others choose to be vigilant, keeping a careful watch for danger or difficulties. The former are more optimist, the latter much less so. Which attitude is the best? No definite choice, here. It mainly depends on one's own nature because certain innate characteristics cannot be ignored in anyone's personality. Being relaxed certainly makes you live more cheerfully, less stressed. But it can also lead you towards laziness and carelessness. Being constantly alert will keep you busy and active, paying attention to and keeping updated with everything that is going on. But it may also make you apprehensive and strung up. The best way is always the middle one. Don't over-worry and take time to smell the roses, while keeping your eyes and ears wisely open.