Sunday, April 29, 2018

Understanding Differently

Dealing with people can be a unique experience, if you really think about it, because people are so incredibly different. As you can never be sure of the outcome of your actions, also the response you get from your fellow human beings can never be foretold. Why? Because the way they think is different from yours, so they often interpret what you say or do according to another kind of logic. Metaphorically, when you say the word "green", they may hear "blue" or "purple", therefore a true mutual understanding is impossible. Or nearly impossible. Anyway, it sometimes makes relationships a bit problematic, unless you are gifted with such a great intuition that allows you to read into people's mind by detecting tiny revealing details in their behavior. Are you that lucky?

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Every spring a recurring thought comes to my mind. It's not an original or particularly smart reflection but I still like to spend some time pondering upon it. It's the parallel between Nature and human Life. I see such comparison on two levels. One concerns the actual cycle: birth, growth, decay, death. The other, possibly more superficial but definitely more optimistic, concerns the re-birth of the spirit after a period of "lows". When you undergo a difficult time, you may see the deepest part of yourself as dead, you feel hopeless and helpless. You inner panorama is wintery, cold and barren. Then, in due time, at a pace that may sometimes seem too slow, the tiny green leaves of inspiration come out and you feel like reborn to new possibilities. Life begins again, in the fields and in your soul - but only if you are willing to acknowledge and accept it.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Hamlet's Dilemma

Life is strange. You never know what is coming next. You plan, you act, you work to achieve a certain goal, but... you can never be sure about the result. You don't plan, you do nothing to make your goal (even if it's just a wish) achievable and, naturally, you can't predict what will happen. So? To plan or not to plan? To strive or not to strive? To worry or to relax? It sounds like a true Hamlet's dilemma. Maybe we should just dream, nonchalantly do what comes at hand and then...when "whatever" comes along, either take it or leave it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

No Proof

There is a quite interesting word: "proof". One definition could be, "evidence establishing a fact". This is what we would all like to have in as many instances as possible. We don't like doubt. We don't like to have to keep wondering if something is really true, especially if it's something we are very interested in. If we can't see electricity, it's OK because - although we don't know what it actually is - we can see the results of its existence. But if we take non-physical matters into consideration, the situation becomes a little more puzzling. Topics such as God, faith, ethics, the paranormal, even aliens - cannot be 'proved'. You cannot demonstrate or establish what they are or if they even exist. They are mere ideas that the mind likes to elaborate, feelings that human beings think and talk about. If some people say they had real "experiences", it's still something personal, therefore it cannot be considered an undeniable truth. Anyway ... lucky them!

Friday, April 13, 2018


If you are not happy with the life you are presently living, take a moment to make a sort of assessment. Make a mental list of what you don't like: it could be your job, your romantic situation, an apparent failure in a business enterprise, a loss, a disappointment, a back-stabbing friend.... Yes, these are upsetting experiences. Now, honestly, find some positive happenings that took place both in the far and near past. A wonderful friendship, a meaningful relationship, a successful activity, a situation where you were admired or praised for something you had done, a beautiful place or house you lived in. The memory of all the positive circumstances, the achievements, the satisfaction, the moments of utter happiness that - as every human being - you must have experienced one time or another, will counterbalance your present dissatisfaction. Not enough, you may say? Well, that depends on how you choose to view things. After all, the scales are in your hands.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Doing It Right

When you believe you are doing something right, continue doing it in spite of the results. As much as you wish to be always successful in your endeavors, you won't. This is a truth you have to accept. As it is not a pleasant truth, how can you accept it "willingly"? Through a simple consideration. You are certain that you are doing everything the way you should, yet your action does not yield the outcome you were waiting for. So what? At least you have the satisfaction of having behaved, talked, written or acted according to your principles, following the inspiration of your heart. Your internal, positive feeling towards yourself helps you to counteract the disappointment of apparent failure. All things considered, only the way you "judge" your actions is capable of making you feel good about yourself. No outside circumstance.

Monday, April 9, 2018


Sometimes you need to "dare". Should you become reckless? Not at all. Simply decide to get out of your comfort zone and try to do something you have never done before, something that makes you feel a bit uncomfortable, something that is far from your usual way of 'being'. Why should you do it? Because Life - every now and then - needs a little shake-up. Because, if you persist in walking on the path of old beliefs and habits, you end up in a rut, thus preventing yourself from experiencing something that might be interesting, amusing, even exciting. Then, if you don't like it, you can always give it up and go back to your old ways. But, if you choose not to give it a try, you will probably be haunted by regrets.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

New Life

The word resurrection literally means to rise from death. Can it also mean to emerge from a difficult earthly situation with a different perspective? I believe it can. When you are immersed in gloom, when pessimism overwhelms you, when you don't see a way out, it can really feel like death. You may even reach a point where you wish to relinquish life in order to avoid more pain or  desperation. Then, in due time, a miracle seems to take place: you start feeling better, darkness is left behind and sunlight appears once again. You feel that a new life may begin and that opportunities may be offered to you. You only need to acknowledge the reality of your natural spiritual transformation.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Loving Yourself and Others

To what extent should we take care of others? I have often wondered about this. As human beings, we have two innate feelings that, at first, seem to be in contrast. The desire of the ego comes first, a kind of selfishness that makes you want to only think of yourself. Yet, you also feel empathy for someone who suffers, for someone in need and wish you could give them, help them. How do you reconcile these seemingly opposites? As the Latin saying suggests that "In medio stat virtus" (= Virtue stands in the middle), you can balance loving yourself with loving others. How? You start by loving yourself, then you can love others. Why? Because - if you don't  know how to love yourself - you wouldn't know how to love others. It's as simple as that.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Ups and Downs

A famous quote says that there is a time for everything (for example, there is a time to weep and a time to laugh). It's true, there actually is. You personally experience this in your mood swings. One moment you feel happy, the next you feel blue. It seems that each situation in your life is "naturally" followed by its opposite. Is this good or bad news? Neither: it's simply the way Life is arranged, like a see-saw that one time goes up, the next it goes down. It's a sort of inescapable rule every happening is based upon. Don't waste your time complaining when you find yourself in the 'down' situation. As every wave is carried in opposite direction by the natural movement of the ocean, thus does Life toss you up and down. Therefore, accept the "down" swing when it happens, endure it as long as it lasts and... always wait for the "uprise". It's bound to come!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Your Interpretation

A meaningful quote says, "We cannot live in a world that is interpreted for us by others".  How do you feel about it? Do you have the impression that you are totally free and independent in the way you live your life? Or do you shelter a secret feeling that you might be led in a direction that is not totally your choice? Examine your beliefs and check how much they may have been influenced by someone else's. As you have ears, it is only natural that you listen to other people's opinions, especially if they are people you love and trust. Yet you, too, are entitled to "your own" beliefs and opinions. Therefore, when you open your eyes and look at the world, make certain that what you see is what is true for you.