Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Strong Need

You like to tell others what they should do, don’t you? When you see something done in a way that, according to you, is not correct, you feel the need (= the duty as well as the right!) to correct them as a good teacher would do. But… are you really a “good teacher”? You cannot be totally sure that what you tell your co-workers, friends, relatives or children is always right, is always the best way – according to the situation or circumstance. You think you are right because, deep inside, you believe you know more and better. Maybe you do. But, instead of giving orders or instructions, limit yourself to offer encouragement and, possibly, a tiny piece of advice, but “only” if requested.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Tree and Shadow

Lincoln said that character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what you might think to be true while the tree is the reality. Do you give too great an importance to what others think of you? Are you afraid of being criticized and, therefore, try to adapt your ideas and behavior to the “flow”? But the opinion of others about you has nothing to do with what you really are. Your true essence is personal, original, free and independent from anybody’s opinion. You are “the tree”. Don’t allow your branches to be identified with the shadow they cast on the ground.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


The "word" seems to be the new obsession. You see people talking or writing (=texting) all the time, everywhere (yes, even while driving!). What is so important that cannot wait, that needs to be communicated non-stop? Shouldn't communication involve something that is either an interesting news, beneficial information, or that has a useful goal?
Here is a little dialogue narrated by A. de Mello.
Pupil (excited): "Master, you must hear what I've just heard at the market."
Master (calmly): "Is it something interesting, useful or funny?"
Pupil (reflecting): "Not really."
Master (smiling): "So, why should I listen?"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

"Illogical" Question

Still wondering about why human beings are bound to face all kinds of suffering throughout their lives, I happened to enter a website where I read an article written by a well known theologian. I also took the time to read the almost two hundred comments, hoping to find a sensible answer. Unfortunately, I didn't. So many words were written, so many hypothesis were suggested, so many "explanations" were given (from all different perspectives: religious, spiritual, agnostic, atheistic). But none of them was able to actually give a sensible (= logical) answer to the question. Therefore... does it mean that - really - there is no answer? But, if there cannot be an answer, why is there the question in the first place? "Logically", there shouldn't be.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Is Ignorance Bliss?

The largest group of human beings includes those who do neither good nor bad. They do not behave "badly", they simply act in an indolent way. They try to avoid getting tired with too much action or too much thinking. They are contented to live their lives without ever wondering about how their dear ones feel, about taking care of someone else’s needs, without feeling the desire to learn more, to do more, to improve themselves, to be helpful to others.  What about you? Are you among those who don’t "truly" care? It’s the attitude of most. Doesn’t the old saying say that ignorance is bliss? "Knowing", in fact, implies responsibilities.

Friday, November 21, 2014

A Counterbalance

Fortunately there have been in the past, and there are now, individuals whose wish in life is to be of service to their fellow humans. They dedicate their whole existence to helping others in any way that is suitable to their situation, condition and capability. Great benefactors, volunteers, teachers, doctors… people who have the deep desire to use their skills exclusively to help those who may benefit from them. Their existence is selfless, they dedicate all their strength, knowledge and capabilities in favor of others, often forgetting their own needs. Let us be grateful for the fact that they exist because they counterbalance all the selfishness, cruelty, ugliness that unfortunately exists all over.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Another "Best-Kept" Secret

Fortunately, in this world of ours, there are also human beings who do “good”. They endeavor to be helpful, they are never rude, try their best to improve themselves and provide a good example to their children, friends or anyone who just knows them. They are pleasant to be with, they carry out their duties with attention and honesty, they are always willing to do their best, they are available and serviceable. Is it so difficult to behave in such a way? Apparently it seems so. Looking around, you feel that you have to deal with several people who are rude, selfish and unfriendly, while they could be kind, friendly, generous instead. How come? Who knows? This is probably another "best-kept" secret of our world!

Monday, November 17, 2014

The "Mr. Hyde's side"

Continuing our brief overview of how we usually label other people, we meet those who, although they do not commit dreadful crimes against humanity, yet they are considered "bad". They do evil on a smaller scale. It is the case of dishonest individuals whose actions do not have a life or death impact on others, but who nevertheless contribute to making someone else’s existence less serene. They are those who influence others negatively with their actions or ideas, who try to cheat or outsmart anyone else in a mean way, the though guys, the bullies, those who have the "home dictator syndrome", the "boss attitude disease" etc. Can you label them? You certainly can. But, in different circumstances, you might discover different individuals. Too bad that the Mr. Hyde's side is the more visible one!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

"Evil" People or Behavior?

We cannot deny the existence of some individuals whose deeds – both in the past and in contemporary times – have caused and are causing great pain to other human beings. They enjoy or don’t care about the suffering they inflict in order to gain personal power, material benefit, control, revenge. It is only natural, therefore, to label these people as "evil". Their actions certainly are. But... who knows what is hidden in their souls, what twists their spirits have undergone that brought them to behave in abominable ways? We should never condone a harmful, cruel behavior. We can nevertheless allow ourselves to admit the existence of mysterious, out-of-hand causes that might have been at the origin of such behaviors.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Best Kept Secret

Most people love “labeling”, i.e. deciding who/what another individual is. When you label, or categorize, you “judge” people, so you don’t see them as they really are but only as you interpret them. But you (as anyone else) have no right to say, “They are….such and such”. The person is what he or she is, and you cannot know their real nature. You define them through their actions because you believe you can identify their thoughts, their motivations. But... it is not so. It's an illusion. No-one will never "really" know who another human being is. It is the best kept secret in the world!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two Scenarios - Part 2

Scenario #2. 
Jack (or Jill) is a normal person, who performs all the actions as Jack (or Jill) performs in Scenario #1. But he is like the frog who, looking up, wanders what is there beyond the edge of the well. He wants to "know", he believes that his daily, routine-led life cannot be all there is. And his wondering, his questions, his desire lead him towards discovering the gifts he shelters inside himself, the wonderful skills he can use to make his life more fruitful  and contribute to the happiness of others, to the progress of the whole planet. When he dares to jump beyond the boundaries created by the well (=conditioning, self-imposed limitations), he will find all the opportunities he needs to create a  different, more exciting life.

Which scenario best represents you present lifestyle?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Two Scenarios - Part 1

Scenario #1. Jack (or Jill) is a normal person, neither worse nor better than anybody else. He has a family (or is single), goes to work, scolds his children, regularly fights and then makes up with his partner, meets with friends and watches TV. Does he sometimes (or ever) think about the quality of his life? If he does, he most probably shrugs his shoulders and says, "Well, this is it. Why waste time in useless wondering?" So Jack lives in a rut where he doesn't care to find out if there could be much more to experience. He reaches the end of his life having achieved nothing particularly good or particularly bad. A quiet, normal (boring) life, doing what he believes he is expected to do, and this is it, indeed. Just like the frog who lives happily at the bottom of a well, having no idea that a whole wide world exists beyond the walls he sees every day.

Friday, November 7, 2014


The dictionary defines energy as "the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity". 
As I was mulling over such definition, a different one occurred to me, according to my notions of the quantum reality: "energy is the capacity of just 'being' as well as 'manifesting', according to the existence or non-existence of a will". What does this mean? Simply that anything (physical or non-physical) exists only if there is a consciousness that gives it a reality. Otherwise, there is only a possibility of existence. Does this abstract consideration have an impact in our lives? It certainly does. How? Focusing (on any form of actualization) is the key. The opposite is ignoring, disregarding such possibility, thus limiting ourselves to only accept what has been created by others. "We" never become the actual "creators".

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Care for Your "Seed"

Once upon a time a traveler, passing through a village, saw a sign in a shop window that said, "Happiness sold here". He immediately went in and asked, "I would like to buy the amount of happiness that will last my whole life". "Sorry, Sir, answered the salesperson, here we only sell seeds".  Happiness cannot be obtained by simply wishing for it. Action is needed. Besides, most people are unable to reap the "crops" they expected and hoped for because they did not even sow the right "seeds". Therefore... Choose the correct seed (behavior) and then keep watering it and providing it with the light needed to its full growth (go on giving your endeavor all the care, attention and dedication necessary till the goal is reached).

Monday, November 3, 2014

Starting Point

"Now" is always the best time of your life. Do you know why? Because it's the only time you can live, that you can experience, that you can "create". Many may disagree because they believe that their past has been more pleasant or that their future will be more rewarding. If you reflect for a moment on your actual situation, you can't deny that the instant you are experiencing is just perfect. You are reading these lines and this is what you are meant to do. In five minutes you'll be doing something else, and that will be what you are supposed to do. But the good news is that you and only you chose to read this article, and then you will possibly choose to have a cup of coffee, cook a meal, go to the gym, pay someone a compliment or be rude to them. Therefore, how can you blame it on someone or something else about what is going on in your life? No matter how much you try to move things around, the starter of whatever is presently happening in your life is the result of a thought, an action, a belief that motivated you to think, speak, behave, do something that gave origin to the chain of consequences that brought you to the present moment.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Some say that one of the greatest problems with mankind is the fact that people see themselves as separate from their fellow human beings. Therefore they are advised to change their point of view and consider the rest of the world as a "part" of themselves. Fine. So you decide to trust the world, you go out believing that all the others are as sincere, as honest, as trustworthy as you are and... get lied to and cheated. What to do? Well, probably the world is not totally ok. It is as it is. People are not "all" your friends, your brothers, your other half. You must proceed very carefully, walking on eggshells, often compelling yourself to be tougher than you actually are. Why? Because "this" is Life. But don't become cynical, don't forget that trust can still be given.