Saturday, December 18, 2021


If someone asks you, Who are you?, you might feel like answering, I am "I", because this is who "you" are. But this answer would not satisfy your interlocutor, who wants specific details. So you may say, I am X.Y., but that would be just your name. So you may say, "I am a government employee-or a farmer", but that would just be your occupation. You may also answer, I am an American, or an Italian-but that would be your nationality. None of these definitions say anything about "who" you actually are. They are the wrapping, not the substance. Is there a precise way to answer that question? Not really. Besides, no-one would in fact want to know the actual 'components' of your inner self. The visible outside world of images is not too interested in the invisible inner world of intrinsic nature. Appearance seems to be more attractive than substance.

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