Thursday, December 30, 2021


A cute, widely-known picture shows a kitten who looks at himself in the mirror and sees a lion. A perfect example of a person with self-confidence. The flip side of the coin could be a lion who looks at himself in the mirror and sees a kitten. Here is the perfect example of a person with no self-confidence whatsoever. Are these similitudes too extreme? Certainly. A person-kitten may see themselves as  a larger size cat, and a person-lion may perceive themselves as a smaller lion, but the fact is that they both see something different from what actually "is" in the mirror. Their perception makes them interpret only partially the essence of their true nature. To increase self- confidence and self-esteem it's enough to become more aware of one's own innate abilities and learn to appreciate and value who one really is. It can be done! 

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