Friday, December 24, 2021

Express It!

When you don't have something that you really want and you finally get it, you usually feel grateful for having had your ardent desire fulfilled. But...for how long do you feel grateful? Till your next wish is granted? What about the numberless gifts you receive every day, every instant, such as breath, sunlight, water, family, friends ...i.e."life"? The fact is that most of the indispensable things human beings receive are overlooked, even ignored. They are taken for granted because they are always there, at one's disposal, and nobody feels 'lacking'. Only when this 'lack' becomes evident, and you start suffering because of it, do you realize how important-actually vital-it is. Gratitude is a word whose importance will never be stressed enough. Let us all keep it always alive in our awareness, and let us share it with others. There is probably nothing more meaningful! 

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