Sunday, December 5, 2021

Paper Cuts

German-Swiss author Herman Hesse, in one of his novels presents two ideas worth reflecting upon. The first says that a person cannot really understand an occurrence if they have not experienced it themselves. You might have felt this when you shared something very personal and, although your interlocutor showed empathy, yet you felt that they "hadn't really got it". The fact that no-one can totally "get it" is only natural, because they are not you (as you-for that matter-are not them!). The second idea is that sometimes you have an experience whose actual meaning you, yourself, don't understand right away. At first, in fact, you think that what happened was something totally negligible. Only later do you 'get it'. It's something similar to a paper cut: you don't immediately feel pain or see blood. But, after a little while, you feel the former and see the latter. Again, it's a human thing. So? Well, it may just be interesting to give it a thought. It may help you to better understand yourself.  

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