Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Come Together!

The official definition of 'belief' is: "an acceptance that a statement is true". Does acceptance mean that you have no doubt about it or may it also mean that you decide that one possibility is just more probable than others? Truth is supposed to be "one", yet beliefs are many, often opposite. Is there an explanation for such variety? As human beings are different, also their minds are wired differently. That's why, in real life, you can never have a unified interpretation of any occurrence. The same happens with beliefs. You may follow what someone else states as true, or you may refuse it. Ultimately, no-one can really tell if what they, you, or another believe is totally veracious. Nevertheless, different perspectives may contain bits of the ultimate truth. So, if instead of opposing each other, differences were brought together, a more correct picture might be painted on the canvas of "What Is".   

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