Monday, March 22, 2021

Four Stages

Here is a reflection that may be useful to assess where you are in life. If you are very young, you look ahead with stars in your eyes. You imagine a brilliant future full of discoveries, of success, of exciting adventures.  It's all in your "mind". If you are an adult, your focus is on your career and, possibly, on starting a family. You feel that success is there for you to grasp, and fiercely endeavor to reach it. You are always moving, always acting, always busy. It's all in your "body". Later, at retirement time, you look back at your achievements. You are exiting the active world, your actual contribution slows down, you intend to enjoy some leisure  and dedicate yourself to relaxation and hobbies. You may enjoy this state or you may not. It's all in your "feelings". Much later, you experience a sort of detachment from it all. You look back and see the stages you have gone through, and appreciate what you have been able to do (you might also regret what you have avoided doing!). Your goal moves beyond the worldly experience and looks on higher realms. It's all in your "spirit".

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