Thursday, October 29, 2020

Need to Know

Let's think again about the mind's need to "know", because it is one of the main human features, along with the need for survival and love. Some are unaware of it, so for them it doesn't really exist. Others have a hint of its existence, but they choose to ignore it. So they convince themselves that it doesn't exist or it doesn't matter. There are a few, though, who are strongly directed to pursue 'knowledge', and spend their lives trying to "understand". Understand what? The meaning of "what is": why are we here, is there a purpose unfolding in space and time, will there be an end, was there a beginning, where does it all come from? It may be interesting to  find out who lives better, those who don't care to take this matter into consideration, or those who struggle to get an answer at all costs. To which category do you belong?

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