Tuesday, December 24, 2019


You are aware that you should avoid feeding your body unhealthy food. What about the “food” you provide your mind with? Such 'food' is everything you see, hear, read talk about, think. According to what your mental state is, so your true ‘self’ will feel. When you keep eating unhealthy food, you don’t feel well, you may even develop a disease. Similarly, when you keep watching, reading, talking, thinking about spiritually unhealthy stuff such as violent, criminal, immoral issues, your mind will be poisoned and corrupted. As a result, you will feel uneasy, depressed, unhappy. You might deny it, you might say that you have to keep up with the modern trends of society, and therefore you must listen to those news, read those books or watch those movies / TV programs which make you see the world as an ugly place. Although evil and negativity do exist, they are not the majority. So, why not focus on the good and the positive? 

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