Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Meaning of Words

So, what does the word ‘homeland’ mean? Does it really represent the place able to move the soldier’s feelings of love and tenderness? What does the word 'love' really mean? Is it a feeling deep tenderness, affection, intimacy, desire to make another happy?Or are these words just a mixture of sounds that, by themselves, do not mean anything and have no real connection to the actual “thing” they are expected to describe? Words have taken a meaning that seems to be so independent that they are often an end to themselves. Many people, in fact, just love to hear the sound of their voices, they enjoy listening to themselves talk. It is possible that you (and each one of us) have committed this little “sin” from time to time, i.e. you talk for the sake of talking and not because you really have something to say or, at least, something meaningful. Unless you have a truly useful idea to express or a pleasant word to utter, it would maybe be better to remain silent. 

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