Friday, August 10, 2018

Your Birthday

Is a birthday important in a person's life? Yes? No? You may say that it is just the day you were born, and nothing else. It has no other meaning as to how your life has been flowing so far. It's a very practical, prosaic definition and it is absolutely true. But you may also consider it as the beginning of your earthly journey, the starting point of the most important and challenging endeavor of your existence, without which you wouldn't even be here. Therefore, the people who like to celebrate the time of their birth, either consciously or unconsciously honor the work they have carried out, up to now, by acknowledging the day, the month and the year they first saw the light. And also this is true. As every single "thing" that exists has its unique place in the economy of the Universe, every kind of "birth" - yours and mine included - is a feat worth celebrating.

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