Saturday, July 14, 2018

Up and Down

You would like to be happy all the time, wouldn't you? It's  a human, normal, general wish that all mankind shares. Is it possible, though? Hardly. Is it a tragedy? Not really. Why? Simply because being "human" means experiencing all the ranges of feelings, moods, sentiments, according to the experiences we have all given throughout our lives. Besides, you can only enjoy happiness, or any other feeling, only if you have knowledge of its opposite. If you lived on the top of a mountain, would you want to stay there forever? You probably wouldn't. Also the lower, even the lowest lands have their positive side: you might stumble on some rocks, your shoes may be covered in mud, but the "walk" will continue as far as you like. The exhilaration of being at the top will also reduce your freedom of movement. Therefore, up you go... stay and enjoy the view.... down you go... move and enjoy the walk.

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