Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Possible Mirage

If you get a hint that what you perceive might not be totally real, how do you react? Imagine that you are driving in the desert and see a sparkling oasis in the distance. At first glance you rejoice because fresh water and some shade is what you have been dreaming of. Your first instinct is to hurry towards the palm trees, already tasting cold water and sweet dates in your imagination. But you are also aware that the beautiful oasis might be just a mirage. So, what do you do? Do you rush head-on towards the image that you "see" - only to be bitterly disappointed if you then realize that it is not real - or do you cautiously approach it, ready to accept either reality, oasis or the mirage? As also in life "optical" illusions are possible, precaution is always necessary while approaching something or someone new or previously unknown. Don't trick yourself into believing that all you see is real. Be careful and check it out first - carefully. You will thus avoid a lot of sorrow.

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