Saturday, December 16, 2017

Hair Wash

Three young women were discussing how often one should wash their hair. A trivial, uninteresting topic, you would say. Yes, it is indeed. But the way it developed was sort of thought-provoking. The first woman said that hair should be washed every day. The second said that she preferred every two days. The third advocated a 'n' number of days. Each expressed their opinion and... so far so good. The problem arises from the fact that each despised any outlook that was different from theirs. Every day? It ruins the hair 'balance'. Every two days? The hair looks dirty. An unspecified number of days? Just awful. Let's see, now: expressing your viewpoint is fair. Wanting to prove that the opinions of others are wrong is... well, "wrong". Why this need to prove your point at all costs? Why not just allow everybody to have their own convictions? They deserve to have theirs, exactly as you deserve to have yours.

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