Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dirty Laundry

It seems that some people don't like to be "left behind". Especially when striking happenings are concerned. Let's say something bad took place in your far away past. You had gotten over it and moved on. You don't think about it any more, you don't talk about it because it's an event that belongs to the past and doesn't affect your present. You had accepted it and overcome it. Then someone talks about a similar experience, curiosity is aroused and... you feel the need to unearth your past. Why? Does the public exposure thrills you? Do you want to be at the center of attention, no matter for what circumstance? Does remembering what has been and done with make you feel better? If it 'really' does, then you are right in airing your dirty laundry in public. If it's just a desire for emulation, if you just want to be talked about, not 'left behind', are you sure it is a truly gratifying move?

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