Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Most human beings believe that things in life should go according to their wishes. They think they are entitled to find a smooth path to walk on, to meet the right people, to get the perfect job. It's a beautiful wish. But it's more like a dream. Why? Because no-one is "entitled" to anything and "things" simply go the way....they are supposed to go. Although we have to stick to our belief in Positive Thinking, we must also realize - and accept - that we cannot "fully" create the reality we want. With a positive attitude and the right kind of thoughts we can certainly improve the quality of our life, we can live better because we learn to minimize the value of problems, we become more resilient and, consequently, more serene. But things (at least most of them) do not change! They may, but there is no guarantee. You may find the perfect job and the love of your life, or you may not. Situations have a way to be interconnected so that we are constantly led in a direction, the wisdom of which we are rarely able to detect.

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