In winter the whole world seems to disappear under a layer of snow or in the mysterious shroud of fog. Everything seems lifeless: the trees have no leaves, the fields are bare, there is no green grass, there are no colorful flowers. Even the sun seems unwilling to give us light and heat. As a consequence, also the human mood changes. People feel less cheerful, less willing to be active and productive because everything seems to have fallen into lethargy. They miss the singing of birds and the buds on the tree-branches. Similarly, your heart becomes prey of laziness, of boredom, even of sadness when you experience a lack of motivation, when you forget the meaning of your life. Don’t be deceived by such negative feeling. Accept it and experience it for as long as you need but then remind yourself that Life still exists and that it will soon start vibrating again inside of you, like an electric shock providing the energy that will make you snap out of inactivity and depression. And it will be summer again.
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