If you want to improve the quality of your life, live better and be happier, then the principles of Positive Thinking can help you Re-Create your life!
Some people attract you.
Others don't.
Can you think of a reason?
Planning is not certain to succeed.
All you can do is your best,
and accept what comes along.
The decision you make
when you are too happy
or too angry
is seldom
the best one.
Is a birthday important
in a person's life?
Yes? Why?
No? Why?
A different person
may be hidden behind
a negative appearance.
Appreciate whatever brings
a smile to your lips and
a sparkle to your eyes.
You are shown 'perfect' products.
You are fascinated by them.
You believe what you see and hear.
So...you keep buying them!
Lines that started as parallel
at a certain point
may get farther apart.
Just like some lives.